Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua Jackson!

Today Joshua Jackson turns 30, and it seems like just yesterday he was a high school freshman sleeping with his teacher. Okay, maybe that was on Dawson's Creek and not in real life, but whatever!

I have seen a few commercials for an upcoming FOX Television series that Jackson will be on this fall called "Fringe." According to IMBd, this series will be: "A television drama centered around a female FBI agent who is forced to work with an institutionalized scientists in order to rationalize a brewing storm of unexplained phenomena."

Sounds entertaining!

(Photo courtesy of: BuzzSugar)


  1. Hey Leeann!
    Man, he really got cute...right? Oh..yeah...I tagged you on my blog. : )

  2. I have LOVED Josh Jackson since the early days of Dawson! He's so dreamy!!!

  3. He was great in Dawson's Creek but I lost track of him as I don't watch too much TV these days. He is quite good looking :)

  4. If he's 30 then I'm going to start feeling old soon! I remember when he was beating up his coach in the Mighty Ducks movies!


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