Monday, September 8, 2008

AG Hair Cosmetics Giveaway!


As a beauty editor, I have tested out many products. Sometimes the result is a bad breakout, other times I get lucky and find a real gem. When I do find a lipgloss, sunscreen, or hair shampoo that I enjoy, I can think of nothing better then to praise that item.

Enter cruelty free, 100% satisfaction guaranteed AG Hair Cosmetics. I cannot stress the fact that their products have greatly enhanced the state of my hair. As a chronic bleacher, my locks aren't always as luscious as I'd like them to be. However, since I started using the brand's Colour Savour Shampoo and Conditioner, my strands have been extremely soft, I don't deal with excruciating tangles, I have great body, and my hair just looks good. Those are three amazing benefits that usually don't result from a single shampoo and conditioner duo.

Far too many times I've been suckered into the hair product pitch from my hairdressers. Often, they insist that their clients buy ridiculously priced hair serums, but do they really ever provide all that they promise? Usually not.

Great news! AG (a Canadian based company) is now available in salons throughout the U.S. So, if your hairdresser suggests that you purchase these items, take their advice, they're right this time. And also exciting, the products won't set you back a week's worth of lunch because they're priced just right.

And for all of your with curly hair, this month AG launches re:coil, a line including curl activating shampoo and conditioner, as well as a curl activator.

Now that I have had the pleasure of using AG products, I can sincerely say that I am a lifetime customer. And I want you, my readers, to be users as well.

I can think of nothing better than to reward one gossiper with the line's wonderful hair care products.
For Join the Gossip's first reader giveaway, AG Hair Cosmetics has been generous enough to provide a basket full of their sensational products with a retail value of more than $225! I am so excited to offer this amazing contest. I encourage you all to enter, and to tell your friends as well =)

To qualify for this prize, please leave a comment including your e-mail so that I can contact you if you win. And if you encourage your friends to enter as well, have them leave your name in their comment (first and last) saying that you sent them, and you'll receive an extra entry!

One winner will randomly be selected on Wednesday, October 1. Good luck!

* Please note: the winner's address and phone number will be given to AG for shipping purposes*

Photos courtesy of: AG Hair Cosmetics and Reflexion Clinics


  1. Pick me!!! I love new hair products and they sound amazing. contact me at

  2. Woohooo ... I'm in. This looks like a great giveaway, thanks so much. Annie Howard -

  3. my hair is currently a mess! need first aid for my mop top.

  4. I am looking into this stuff, always look to try something new!

  5. I am in desperate need of a Colour Savour!

  6. Wow! Great giveaway, thanks!! AG Hair Cosmetics seems great!

  7. Ooh...The product sounds great. I hope I win!
    contact me at

  8. i live far away, and not much beauty products are available.. so id love to get the chance to try this hair product.. :)

  9. This line looks wonderful!

    kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. I use this stuff and love it ... here's my e-mail:
    It would be so useful :)

  11. What a great giveaway.
    Stephanie Belleville refered me

  12. I could use some new, better hair products! Thanks for offering AG Hair Cosmetics!

  13. I don't like the state of my hair right now. I need AG Hair to save it.

  14. Hey now.....ME! ME! ME! (<<< jumps up and down)
    If you have seen my hair, you all would say, "Oh girl you need this!"

    Ask Stpehanie, she knows. Wink wink.

  15. AG Hair Cosmetics could make me a gorgeous blonde haired Join The Gossip reader!

    Zoe referred me! Thanks!

  16. I would love to win this, my hair needs help!

  17. Fun. I'd like to enter the giveaway. Jill

  18. i would love to try this!

  19. These look absolutely amazing, and my hair could certainly use some help!

  20. wow. i just noticed this giveaway and almost missed out on entering! lol. i would love to be entered.
    My email address:

    Btw, awesome give away!! this stuff sounds really good. and for that price i bet it is haha.


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