"Disturbia" is exactly what I was feeling when I saw Rihanna's outfit at the VMAs. The girl is extremely beautiful, and usually has a great sense of style; nonetheless she isn't always on the fashion mark--take for example tonight. The dress she wore for her performance was not the best choice.
No disrespect to her at all, but the outfit was simply unflattering. Her thighs looked large, even though she is in great shape and has a figure that most women would die for, me included! My mom even made the comment, "Poor girl. Didn't she have someone tell her that that outfit makes her legs look huge."

And as for Rihanna's hair, all i can say is W-O-W. The mullet is never cool, ever.
Britney; however, looked fabulous. She's doing better than ever, working out hard...and it shows. She didn't open the show with a performance, but I really thought she was going to. It would have been awesome if she would have redeemed herself from last year's performance.

Anyways, Brand is from the UK, so he really has no right to give his opinion on who he wants to be elected president, or to say derogatory things toward our current commander-in-chief. In my opinion, if a person from a foreign country makes a jab at our president (Republican or Democrat), I take that as a personal insult against the U.S. And to say that if Obama isn't elected that we as a nation are racist? Out if control. It's not about race, it's about ability. Whoever is best-suited to run our country should win. Not who is what color, religion, etc.
Sorry, I never get involved with politics--too touchy of a subject for many. I was just appalled at Brand's comments. In fact, I turned the show off before he was even done with his comments. I may watch a rerun at a later time though so I can see the show, minus his opening. I have already read that Christina's performance was amazing...
I was so disappointed with Russell Brand's performace. I really enjoyed all his promos for the show and had high hopes...and then like you said...very bad choice for an opener. It didn't get better throughout the show either. Wait til you see the awkward purity ring moments...
I was very disappointed Brittney did not do an opening act. As for this Russell Brand, I could not bare to watch him. He ruined the entire show I had to turn it off. Thank god for my DVR I can fast forward through.
That outfit was designed by my best friends daughter, Corey Parks ... too bad the camera didn't really do it justice, b/c those turkey feathers on the front of the corset were beautifully iridescent in real life. Oh well. I thought she looked SMASHING, and fierce. The rocker chick she really wants to be. Cheers!
Thanks for the comments everyone! smiling, beguiling, that's very cool that you know the woman who designed Rihanna's dress. The dress wasn't bad, I think it just wasn't flattering for Rihanna's body type. That's cool that the feathers were iridescent, too bad we couldn't tell while viewing, sounds beautiful!
Yes, I can't stand it when stars talk about politics, especially when they trash Bush. I don't want to know what their political views are and they often go out of their way to share them. Sometimes it makes me like them less, it's terrible.
If you ever want to chat politics check out my other blog: www.conservativeally.today.com
OK, so while I don't care for the Rihanna outfit you showed, the OTHER hot style she sported when she performed with T.I. was awesome! I loved the blonde strip of hair in the front, turned up like a Gwen-ish bump. Also, yes, Britney looked excellent. She is making her comeback! For the most part, I think the days of the rebellious "I Want My MTV" awards is over. Nothing was exciting, spontaneous, or fun! It was all big Hollywood, staged, and just a bunch of beautiful people hanging out. B-O-R-I-N-G.
I agree with you on all points in this post.
1. Rihanna's dress was not flattering.
2. Brit looked great. I'm pulling for her!
3. Brand was completely annoying. As soon as he started his rant, I put the TV on pause and fast forwarded to the end of his mess. I wish celebs would quit talking about gov't issues. Does anyone care what they think?
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