Saturday, September 27, 2008

"Womanizer" by Britney Spears

Yesterday Britney Spears made a radio comeback in a big way. Her single "Womanizer" was all over the airwaves. On a local LA station, KIIS FM (home to Ryan Seacrest), I heard the song three times in one hour, two of which were within 15 minutes apart. Also aired, Ryan's interview with Lynne Spears which you can listen to online.

My opinion of Spears has changed dramatically over the years. I was never a fan of her music. I thought it was OK, but wouldn't buy a CD. Now, after the infamous Britney breakdown, I really like her. Anyone who has gone through everything she has, and still have the courage to hold her head up high and keep at it, deserves praise. Although she does have a huge fan base, it still requires guts to be slammed so hard and stand back up. I have great respect for her.

Anyways, back to the new song!

It's a good track, and grows on me every time I hear it. Listen now (warning-if you haven't heard it yet, prepare to get the tune stuck in your head =):

What's your reaction to the newest song from Spears?

iTunes will have the single for sale on Tuesday, October, 7 if you want to purchase it.


MyFashionAddictions said...

i heard it yesterday and actually kinda liked it. some are critisizing-ing that it sounds like her old stuff.. oh well. i will probably be downloading from itunes anyway.:)

Anonymous said...

I adore Brit! This song is very hot.

Kim said...

I like the beat & it's definitely catchy, probably a few more runs in my head I would be hooked, but the vocals are over synthesized for my taste.

Jadore-Fashion said...

I heard this song yesterday, am already getting addicted to it--cant wait for the video--happy brit is back!

ps: thanks dear for passing by and dropping such sweet comments!!! :)
