Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Leanne Wins Project Runway

I am team Leanne, not only because we share the same first name (although I spell my name differently =), but also because her designs are pretty consistently stunning.

At Bryant Park during the season finale of Project Runway Season 5, she worked with a beautiful Tiffany blue, white, and tan to create an amazing color scheme. And her pieces were gorgeous, with a lot of movement. Leanne's collection surpassed the others by far. Therefore, it is fitting that she was named the winner. 

I hope to see Leanimal at many NY Fashion Weeks to come!

Photos courtesy of: Bravo 


  1. I missed the episode but definitely saw this coming! I'm glad she won.

  2. I'M SO happy she won!! Her designs are breathtaking. I want to wear that wedding dress when I get married. And Tia looked gorgeous in that turquois dress, which was another of my favorites!

  3. yay i was routing for her as well!! althought i applaud korto for a job well done as well!

  4. The folds on those minidresses are amazing!!


  5. I haven't been watching the seasons. Lovely collections--love the intricate of the dress and the color are so whimsical.

    About the gossip girl, the outfits will keep you with the show, before you know it, you will be hooked :)

    thanks for the drop by :)

  6. oh how pretty. i like all 3 pieces.

  7. Epic Fail. All Leanne does is pleats. And as if that isn't boring enough, she only used 3 colors.

  8. Anonymous: she won, so it must not have been too tragic =)

  9. I love the colours... so pretty and the entire collection is so feminine :) Love it

  10. ya know, I wasn't too impressed w/ her
    I thought Christian last season did a better job of the crazy ruffle pieces
    but oh well.


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