Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Madonna's Misfire: Chanel Gun Shoes

Let me start off by saying I'm not a fan of Madonna. Please don't hate me, I just am not too fond of her. 

Anyways, onto the shoes. Part of the Chanel Spring 2009 Cruise Collection, these with a gun attached to the bottoms were spotted on Madonna last night at the New York premiere of her new movie, "The Fifth Wisdom."

What do you think? A fashion statement, or a backfire?

Photos courtesy of:


Syed said...

Not really a Madge fan either to be honest. For me the shoe is kind of a miss, not a PC loon, but having a replica gun is kinda insensitive..

Angela said...

i don't like those shoes...

Unknown said...

wow.. don't like it

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Much more of an old school Madonna fan. Maybe she felt the shoes were making a "lets stamp out gun violence" statement.......very unlikely but that's what I would tell people....

Anonymous said...

OoOOo I saw these shoes, and I can't say that I like them. In the shadows they are hard to make out and are just not "pretty." And in general, I am just not a fan of either. =)

Ellie Lee said...

haha backfire? That's a good one! They look so weird! WONDER what will happen if you were to wear it through security checks at the airport though:S Make you board the plane barefooted?!

Anonymous said...

i love everything with guns
i even have two guns tattooed on my hips
and i think these are ugly
i think its the first thing with a gun on it that i actaully dont like...........

♥ Marta ♥ said...

guns scary me and should not be show as accessories ... plus I'm not big fan of Madonna... I think the woman should finally retire and stop acting as if she's 20 again ... uhggh

Anonymous said...

I love these shoes so hot... Tony Montana chic!!!

Jadore-Fashion said...

I am a chanel fan, but I don't think I like those shoes at all--won't spend a dime if i had.

ps: THANKS hun, for the compliments and safe journey wish--am finally back.
hope your week is going well. :)


diamondsinchampagne said...

I say statement :P I love these Chanel beauties