Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Vintage Inspired Headband

Recently, I posted a blog about Kenley's hair accessories and came across an Esty account that sells breathtaking headbands. Well, after drooling over the gorgeous items sold by VieModerne, I decided to make a purchase: an AUDREY Black and White Feather and Leather Flower Headband.

I asked that my headband be made with a red flower and the seller obliged.

The feathers are gorgeous!

It was a bit over $40 with shipping, pretty pricey for me, but it's so fantastic that I couldn't pass it up.

There are many 20s-inspired items featured in VieModerne's shop. Certainly worth a visit!

Photos courtesy of: Esty and my camera


  1. Hey Leeann

    I've missed you, I was away and now I'm back in action. You've been busy I see :)

    The headband looks gorgeous and good call with the red flower instead. So pretty. I'm also stuck with the flower in hair obsession since Summer :)

    Take care chica

  2. that headband is gorgeous!

    added you to my blogroll dear ;)

  3. That's stunning! But it's a bit pricey.

  4. i love feathers!!

    i feel so special when i find them

    despite them probably being awfully dirty : )

  5. The print, the colors, amazing! I am so jealous right now.

  6. oh, love the feather headband. perfectly savvy.

  7. You know ... this one is really cute. =)

  8. That is such a beautiful hair piece... I love it

  9. That's very cool. I'll have to serious think about my burlesque party outfit. Now that feather number fits the bill.

  10. It looks amazing! Sometimes you gotta splurge when you really love something.

  11. so my fetish right now.. feather handbeads.. who's the seller if you don't mind sharing!?

  12. this is absolutely gorge,love the colours of the looks delish my dear.great choice,your on my blog roll honey!
    muah xx

  13. H my first time on your blog and well i loved this hair accessory...the feathers look sooo nice!

  14. It's really pretty! I have to check out that Etsy store :)


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