Hi all. First off, I want to apologize for the lack of posts. Work is really getting to be out of control as far as the hours I work. I have no life anymore, and you can imagine how hard it is to post new blogs when every work day is about 13-15 hours long (drive included).
Despite the ridiculous schedule, I did get a little break earlier this week to enjoy a hike in
Runyon Canyon. This is a great location to get some exercise by climbing hills. At the top of the "mountain" there is an amazing view of Los Angeles. You can see everything from the skyscrapers downtown to the sparking ocean. It's quite beautiful!
This park is a hot spot for celebrities and many TV shows and movies are filmed there. In fact, you have probably seen Runyon Canyon while watching shows like "The Hills," "Daddy's Girls," and/or "Life in the Fab Lane" in which Kimora acted as a photographer for the first time in a photo shoot.
While I was there I spotted a few celebrities including
Jennifer Aniston (super-skinny but with hips, kinda short, and not wearing makeup), Orlando Bloom (actually really cute in person, never really noticed before), and
Heidi Montag (tiny, big glasses, and big lips).

It was pretty cool to be walking alongside these celebrities.
Of course it's LA so nobody made a scene or bothered any of these stars. It was pretty amazing to see how normal they seemed in the setting though.
Also spotted twice in the past month, Benji Madden. He must live near my work because I've seen him two times recently filling up his Jag at the gas station in our paring lot. Thursday he was getting gas as I was walking into my building. A co-worker and I spotted him--and he saw us spot him--so my co-worker said hi (I of course froze!). Benji was extremely polite as he smiled, said hello, and asked us how we were doing. By the way, he's looking pretty hot. He was always cute, as in his twin Joel who is celebrating
Nicole Richie's second pregnancy, but Benji has lost a lot of weight and looks great!
So that's my life now-a-days. Working overtime, but spotting celebrities every now and then.