Sitting at my work desk earlier and watching the Michael Jackson memorial service, I finally realized he is gone. You get so numb when watching TV that the news has little to no effect on me anymore. However, upon watching so many people pile into the Staples Center to pay their respects for the King of Pop, it makes his death real.
As a young child I was a huge fan of MJ. I had to listen to his tapes to fall asleep at night. It was the only thing that relaxed me. I also had his movies. And don't get me started on Captain Eo and the Disneyland ride! Over the years my obsession grew less and less strong.
Unfortunately the same happened for a lot of people as he was accused of molestation. I never formed an opinion about the claims either way. I guess I felt I didn't know so I had no room to speculate. He was also made fun of relentlessly for his plastic surgery. I'll admit, I thought that he looked scary in the last years of his life. Ultimately he was just insecure and trying to heighten his self-esteem, which must have been damaged by the criticism in the media.

Focusing on MJ the artist, he has influenced and entertained millions and his legacy will live on. The most touching moment during the memorial is when his daughter Paris spoke about her father. It was so sad watching Paris speak about her dad, yet comforting to see Janet embrace her. Other memorable moments included Brooke Shields giving a eulogy that explained their unusual pairing but close bond, and Mariah Carey's rendition of "I'll Be There."
Overall I was very pleased with the ceremony. It was very tasteful and not too over the top.
I couldn't watch the full extent of the service, nor was I really interested to; however, I did see a clip of Paris speaking this morning and it broke my heart. I feel so bad for the children he has left behind. What a brave little girl to stand in front of the world and speak her first words at a time of such grief.
He was a great entertainer. I'm glad he got the service that so many needed to pay their final respects and to gain closure. :)
I didn't see it, but I saw Paris speak. What a gorgeous, intelligent little girl. It's such a loss to the music world to have a great such as Michael Jackson pass on. :(
Great post Leeann. I watched a lot of the recaps about it. I couldn't stand to watch them show poor little Paris over and over again. I think of all, that will be the most remembered moment of the memorial. It just showed how they didn't know anything different than the love of their father, and not all the torment he endured. I hope they leave them all alone now.
Of all times Paul does not record something. Yes I am sorry to say I missed it but did catch the highlights on the news and 48 hours. It is amazing the extreme people went to pay thier respects.
It was so sad watching Paris speak about MJ. he is a legend. i love MJ...
the speech my his daughter was heartbreaking.. :(
MJ will be missed!
I wouldnt watch it....I still cant believe it :(
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