Monday, January 18, 2010

my {stylish} pursuit of happiness

What comes around goes around...

I love the blogging world! You can so easily make friends via posts and comments. In a matter of words, one can begin to see the personality of someone else located in another city, state, or even country.

Recently I came across my {stylish} pursuit of happiness via New England Girl, and am I glad I did! The author, LenkaLovee, is not only an interesting blogger but also a talented artist who does amazing sketches.

She was so kind to feature Join the Gossip today, and I am beyond grateful! It’s so touching to know that another person enjoys your blog—heck, I am just thrilled to have anyone read it—so being featured is a great honor. THANKS LENKALOVEE!

If you have not yet experienced the greatness that is my {stylish} pursuit of happiness, please stop by her blog as soon as you get a chance!

Photo courtesy of: my {stylish} pursuit of happiness


  1. Congratulations. I can see why Lenka chose your fantastic blog! Following!

  2. thanks dear! :) i'm blushing. :) seriously! ;)

  3. congrats! I will check it out now!

    ps I have a giveaway on my blog. stop by if you can!

  4. Congrats, and great job with the blog!

  5. congrats! i so agree with you--blogging world bring a lot of people together!!! xx

  6. I think Sandra was adorable and the purple looked great on her, but I really didn't like her dress from the waist down. How cute are she and Jesse, though?

  7. I'll have to check this one out. Thanks for the tip


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)