My friend, Jules, of Chic & Pink, graciously gave me two awards the Beautiful Blogger Award and the Versatile Blogger Award--both with the same rules which are: say 7 interesting things about yourself and pass it on to 7 more bloggers.
So here it goes...
7 Interesting Things:
1. As the Managing Editor of Beauty Chat, I got to interview cool people like Jaime Presley and Lisa Kline.
2. I am related to Al Gore (who I think may be a bit crazy haha ;), Lesley Gore, and Amelia Earhart.
3. Cat scratch fever is not just a song but an actual condition and I have had it!
4. My eyes change color with what I wear, from blue to green.
5. I have played softball my whole life and still play. Got a triple play once!
6. I have two Bachelor's Degrees, one in Journalism and on in American Studies.
7. For my 2009 New Year's Resolution I gave up all meat for an entire year. This year I started eating chicken and fish but still do not eat beef or pork. I plan on never consuming it again and wish I had the willpower to cut out all meat.
Haha that was actually a bit hard! I do not find myself the most interesting person. Anyways...I tag:
If you ladies would like to play along, please do!
I want to apologize for being absent from the blogging community. Stupid life keeps getting in the way! Work, health, blah, blah, blah. I feel really bad for neglecting this blog and all of you though. I will try to do better =)
Photos courtesy of: Chic & Pink
Thanks so much for the tag! I just put the post up.
Interesting facts! What made you decide to give up meat?
wow you are related to some well known peeps!
cat scratch disease sounds a touch funny, and reading that its not serious made me feel better for laughing :)
This was so fun to read and I always like getting to know more about you. I’m fascinated with celebrities and think it’s really cool that you got to interview them at your old job. That is very interesting that you’re related to the former Vice President and Amelia Earhart. I do not have any claim to fame like that (at least that I know of ;).
I love softball and used to play as a teenager. A triple play is super impressive! We used to try and get games together on Sunday afternoons a few years back. I’d love to do that again.
I still think it’s awesome that you have 2 Bachelor’s Degrees and give you credit for giving up beef and pork. That takes willpower!
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