Sunday, May 23, 2010

California Strawberry Festival

Last weekend I went to the California Strawberry Festival in Oxnard to partake in some fruity fun with one of my good friends. While it wasn't the amazing time we anticipated, I am still glad we went.

Oxnard is a coastal town located about 30 minutes north of Los Angeles. To put it into perspective for those of your who aren't from California, it's a neighboring town to Calabasas, the Kardashian's hometown.

When we arrived we learned that the festival was basically a swap meet with strawberry flavored foods and beverages. I went straight for the funnel cake...which was made with frozen strawberries. Major fail! Then I grabbed a strawberry shake. About halfway in I was strawberried out and had to toss it. After my tummy had settled I bought a jumbo dark chocolate dipped strawberry for the road.

I didn't get any strawberry pizza or beer which was basically a crepe and wine haha. I think I'll live though.

Photo courtesy of: and my iPhone (sorry for the poor quality)


  1. Strawberry Pizza??? hehe. I wish I had something like this in New York. Looks & sounds like a blast!!!

  2. That looks like so much fun! All these strawberry treats look delicious!

  3. this looks heavenly. seriously. no joke.

    thanks for entering my little giveaway and i am happy to now be following you as well!

  4. I have always wanted to go. I need to be better about doing these type of things. Looks fun!

  5. The idea of a strawberry festival sounds like a lot of fun! I would have had to have tried the strawberry pizza just for kicks. :)

  6. Mmmmm. YUM! I live for strawberry season in FLA!!

  7. Haha…you said Calabasas and I immediately knew what you meant. I love Strawberries and the festival sounds like a nice time. I don’t understand why they would do a funnel cake with frozen strawberries, but the shake sounds and looks good! Strawberry pizza sounds interesting and not like pizza at all. They do have some craft beers with a hint of Strawberry. I think the brand is Abita and it is supposed to be really good.

  8. Strawberry Shortcake Funnel Cakes? I have died and went to heaven, and you are Fat Albert's Angel right?

  9. wow it all looks so good! i wonder what strawberry pizza tastes like!
    great idea for a festival


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