In fashion news...
While at my parents house in the 'burbs I was all up in Kohl's for Christmas shopping. Usually it's a hit and miss for me but this time I walked away with this rad shirt from the Simply Vera Vera Wang Collection.
While at my parents house in the 'burbs I was all up in Kohl's for Christmas shopping. Usually it's a hit and miss for me but this time I walked away with this rad shirt from the Simply Vera Vera Wang Collection.

Usually her stuff is too highly priced so I don't even bother. It's Kohl's, I am not forking $50 over for a top - even if the designer makes breathtaking wedding dresses BUT with my discounts I ended up getting $20 off so I snagged it. Wore it to Christmas mass and will be wearing it to a baptism this weekend.
In travel news...
After my last post about traveling, I decided that I have to make some more great trips this year. So far I am planning one to San Francisco to meet up with a few friends. I've never stayed in the city, or been to the neighborhoods I'll be visiting (Inner Sunset and Potrero Hill) so suggestions of things to do are welcomed :) I'll have one day to explore Inner Sunset on my own and am the type that likes to see an much as possible.
After my last post about traveling, I decided that I have to make some more great trips this year. So far I am planning one to San Francisco to meet up with a few friends. I've never stayed in the city, or been to the neighborhoods I'll be visiting (Inner Sunset and Potrero Hill) so suggestions of things to do are welcomed :) I'll have one day to explore Inner Sunset on my own and am the type that likes to see an much as possible.

In nerdy news...
And for those of you who have iPhones: I finally joined the Angry Birds bandwagon. At first I thought it was going to be boring but now I find myself sneaking to play it at work! If you don't have it yet - get it. For real.

In TV news...
Who watched The Jersey Shore last night? As Snooki for Halloween last year, I was (fist) pumped for this season's premiere! Within 30 minutes it FINALLY hit me just how crazy these girls on the show are. I know that's how they've always been and are supposed to be for ratings, but daaaang. Usually even if bad reality TV I still pick out a fav character but non of the girls are likable anymore. JWOW is a linebacker. The new girl is a skeeze. Sammi is a snot. And Snooki, my beloved Snooki, I just wanted to punt her little leathery ass like a football.
I'll still tune in every week though. I can't miss the infamous arrest!

Oh, and have you entered my giveaway? One lucky winner will receive a Stila set to commemorate my 3 year blogiversary. Enter here!
Oooooooh San Francisco!!! Wellll the Inner Sunset borders on Golden Gate Park, so walking the length of the park is definitely a must. Conservatory of Flowers, a jaunt around Stow Lake (both within GGP)--amazing! The park goes from the inner sunset all the way to the beach so you can just walk through the park and end up on Ocean Beach! And then if you're tired, you can hop on the N Judah to get back (straight shot). :)
There are lots of great restaurants in the inner Sunset--one sushi restaurant in particular is famed--I think it's called Ebisu. But it's really easy to get around the city, so you should definitely explore other neighborhoods! And check out Crossroads (a second hand clothing store), cause that's where I get all my designer shoes (there are a bunch in the city but one is in inner Sunset).
Potrero Hill can be fun too and it borders on the Mission, where you have to go! Maybe your friends should make reservations for dinner at Foreign Cinema one night--delish food, an adorable bar (Laszlo, connected to FC), and they play old movies on the outdoor projector. Amazing!
I have a billion more suggestions but I'm sure your friends do too. I love my city!!
omg, hubby is hooked on angry birds! he plays while watching tv.
loved your snookie costume! have a great weekend. pam
i am SO obsessed with jersey's like embarrassing. i too love snooki but she got on my nerves last night LOL. i'm actually starting to love jwoww.
i love that tank you got at kohls! it's always hit or miss for me too. i've always wanted to love the lauren conrad line but it never wows me :/
haha! I loved reading your blog today! "In nerdy news" made me laugh!!
I think it is an awesome post! I'm glad you traveled a lot and I hope you travel some more this year!!! :D
I'm sure you will get back into the swing of things. I know how you feel. I'm writing for two blogs and it's getting hard, but I keep going anyway. :)
I have gotten a couple of great pairs of shoes from the Simply Vera collection but I agree most of it is overpriced especially for Kohl's.
I love the shirt, and Angry Bird is so addicting. Not a fan of Jersey Shore.
Gosh I've also been such a bad blogger lately too. :$
That's one of my resolutions lol, to set aside more time to blog once everyday.
That top is sooo cute btw!
Ok, I hear about angry birds all the time!!! I might have to jump on that bandwagon also..
Gorgeous tank!
And I love Snooki!
San Francisco...yes yes! I LOVE that city!
And Jersey Shore...honestly, who can resist? Sadly, I missed ALL of Season Two. :(
Love the Simply Vera top! Gorgeous! xo style, she wrote
that top is amazing!!! :D and i have yet to download the angry bird app, don't know why i haven't, haha. ;)
<3, Mimi
what a cute shirt! lovely contents in your blog! love that top! and angry birds. haha
I am lacking inspiration too...Where to begin! I think I need an event to get me in the mood. =)
That top is so adorable! And I really need to get on the Angry Birds bandwagon!
I really like the shirt and what a great price. There is so much to do and see in San Francisco I know you will have a blast!
cute top...but how does it fit? i find her stuff fits huge on me.
and LOVE LOVE angry birds. well, i did. i don't play it much now after i had to start over (replaced broken phone).
I LOVE that top and Kohl’s has really been stepping it up lately. I got a cute open cardigan w/sequin trim that I wore on Christmas from Kohl’s. I only shop there with coupons too.
San Francisco sounds like a great trip! I can’t wait to read about all of the fun that you have and see the beautiful pics.
Angry Birds is incredibly addicting. I will say I’m going to play for a few minutes and find myself playing for an hour or so. Cut the Rope is another one that’s addicting.
Jersey Shore is a must watch, though I do hate how it gives my area a bad name. People are so not like that. The characters really aren’t very likable, especially Sam. I wish she would leave the house.
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one behind on blogging. ;) Enjoy your trip to San Fran, and I look forward to seeing all the fun pictures!
you have a nice blog!
oOOOoo I love Vera Wang!! OOo have fun planning the San Francisco trip!! I love Angry Birds!! It's sooo addicting! =P
Melanie's Randomness
SF will be so much fun, you'll love it!...i have a few tops and dresses from simply vera that i get when they go on clearance for like 10 them!
That Simply Vera top is lovely! So pretty.
Also, I too have joined the angry birds bandwagon - it is so addictive!
Ooh, the Vera top is so lovely.
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