Not until I started reading other bloggers' 2010 recaps did I realize just how much traveling I did in 2010. I visited new countries, new cities, and went way out of my comfort zone. I am so lucky to have had these experiences and I look forward to many more in 2011. Until my next big trip, here's a rundown of the places I went in 2010:
Paso Robles, CA
Wine tasting
Valentine's day single girls getaway
Las Vegas, NV
311 Day and then another trip the following week for my mom's 50th

Beverly Hills, CA
OK this really was only a trip to my next door city, but it was memorable because I saw the creators/cast of The Vampire Diaries speak on a panel.
Oxnard, CA
Toured San Francisco, Berkley, and Sonoma Valley
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Real quick work trip and I didn't get to explore at all :(
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Another work trip but this time I stayed extra days and took in Vancouver and Victoria all by myself (scary but empowering!)
Lake Mohave and Lake Havasu, AZ
Boating and wake boarding for my birthday
Oak Glen, CA
Two trips: apple picking and a haunted hayride
Palm trees, sunshine, and rum galore
I hope you all had a great 2010 as well and that 2011 brings even brighter days.
Happy 2011 to you, too!
What an amazing year you had, darling!
Hope 2011 is just as awesome!
Looks like someone had an amazing year!
Um, hello?!?! You saw the Vamp Diaries cast speak on a panel. SO. VERY. JEALOUS.
Happy, Happy New Year, Leeann! Here's to many magical moments in 2011!! :)
Glad I was able to join you on a few of those adventures! Looking forward to more this year!
Whew…you were one traveling lady and that’s the best way to experience new things in my opinion. I think it’s great you got out there and tried new things, especially your trip to Canada. It’s been so fun to follow along and read about your adventures.
Here is to many more in 2011! Happy New Year, sweet friend :)
So may I please start out with my jealousy over the fact that you saw the cast/creators of the Vampire Diaries?! I am in love with pretty much every male character on that show (hello, I am 12 again).
Really though, Leann, I'm so glad that 2010 was a year of a lot of traveling -- because what better way is there to enjoy life than to see EVERYTHING?!
I loved recapping this with you, and look forward to more conversations, emails, and Tweets in 2011! You're such a doll, and I just adore you :)
Happy 2011! You are a lucky gal. I hope 2011 brings you many more adventures!
You are a well-traveled lady! I hope to travel more this year. I only made it to Boston, Kansas City, MO, Philadelphia, and NYC last year!
Hope you had a wonderful New Years! Lucky you got to travel so much :)
You certainly had an amazing year! Here's to 2011!
Hope you have the best 2011.
Wow what a great year! I have just discovered your blog so this recap is great.
wow, you did get around! i hear vancouver and victoria are beautiful. they're on my list. as well as sanfrancisco. yep, never been. will need to remedy that this year...
Umm, you visited so many gorgeous places! What a year!
Wow, chica! That is awesome!! Beautiful pictures!!
i love that you traveled as much as you did. i really need to step up my traveling game too. you've just now inspired me!
here's to a fabulous and even more exciting year. 2011...bring it!
Sounds like 2010 was full of adventure! Love that! Hopefully 2011 will hold more travels for you! xo
happy 2011 :)
cheers to an even better 2011!!! hope you have been doing well!
Wow, you did do a lot of traveling in 2010. It looks like you had a great year! Cheers to an even better 2011! Happy New Year!
Hey!! Did you know I'm from Edmonton?? That's crazy!!
Girl I hope you get another nice, warm, sunny vacay this year. You deserve it!
How fun! Wishing you a 2011 filled with happy adventures.
I'm super jealous of all the traveling you got to do!
WOW!~ I don't think you traveled enough. lol
Looks like you had a great 2010 filled with lots of traveling. Good for you!
I think that's awesome that you got to see the cast of The Vampire Diaries. I love that show.
Surprisingly, I have been to San Fran three times and each time I go, I always snooze on buying to tickets to Alcatraz. Did you enjoy the tour?
What words... super, a magnificent idea
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