Friday, January 14, 2011

YOU Can Help Australian Flood Efforts

The Queensland floods have been devastating to Australia's north-eastern section of the mainland continent. As of today it was predicted that about 70 people have lost their lives. This natural disaster has hit close to home for many of our bloggin' buds. One in particular, Gracie of Gracie Bella Butterfly.

This sweet, sweet woman has SO generously decided to help out by donating 100% of the money earned in her Esty shop, graciebellabutterfly, from now until at least January 26th (Australia Day) to flood relief efforts.

That's such a selfless action. Something you don't see often. People help, but people rarely ever donate 100% of proceeds. Good for her!

Gracie created her Esty shop in 2008 but took some time off to plan her wedding. Now she's getting back into the swing of things. And she's creating some beautiful items!

Her inspirations include magazines, blogs, and pretty images she finds. Gracie explained, "I think the whole handmade movement inspires me because items are made with time and love. I also like pretty things so I think that comes across in what I create. It's definitely more on the sweet girly side."

When asked to talk a little about the floods, her warm heart was apparent and country pride obvious. "It is definitely the most devastating thing that I have seen. I wasn't directly affected (as in my home didn't get flooded) but it happened so close to me it's hard not to feel heart broken. Seeing the water rising, the mess the water has left and the hundreds of people who have lost everything. I feel so blessed to have my home but I wanted to help out. Our city and state has really bonded together and work towards rebuilding. It makes me proud of my country to see the sense of community and the outpouring of love."

Her items are super cute and have a romantic feel. Plus they are priced reasonably. I bought this pair of small aqua chrysanthemum stud earrings at a steal for $4.50! Every little bit helps, right?

She also has adorable headbands, like the "You're So Lovely" one above.

So if you can support Gracie's efforts please do so!

Photos courtesy of: Gracie


  1. Aww thank you! You are just the sweetest for doing a feature and for purchasing an item :)

    You're so lovely!

  2. what an amazing cause! i love this and i LOVE your blog, {newest follower}. i too am a So Cal girl and your colors on your blog are amazing, seriously! enjoy this gorgeous weather we are having this weekend! xo!

  3. What a great thing Gracie is doing and you for promoting her! I have family out there and they said its pretty bad, so sad!!

    Gonna go check her out! =)

  4. Gracie sure sounds like an amazing person. I love the note cards.

  5. That is so selfless, she is one sweet lady for sure.

  6. She is such a doll. This doesn't surprise me one bit!

  7. i'm all about shopping for a great cause, especially for such beautiful things! what a wonderful effort

  8. It was so nice of you to feature Gracie on your blog and bring attention to the devastation in Australia. Kudos to her for helping in the relief efforts.

    I like the earrings you picked out!

  9. Those earrings are adorable & a great deal! Marking her shop as an Etsy fave. What a sweet thing to do!

  10. It is so neat hearing about all of the different etsy shops that are donating - it's so good! I love hers, too :)


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