Friday, February 25, 2011

Hancock Park Homes: John Barrymore

One family that has been rooted in show business for generations is the Barrymore clan. Fittingly, John Barrymore, Drew's grandfather, would have a piece of Hancock Park history. An original movie star, it only makes sense that he'd own a house found in the original upscale neighborhood of Los Angeles.

Today, Hancock Park is nestled within the hustle and bustle of a largely expaneded city but still maintains the same charm that drew buyers nearly a century ago. To learn more about Hancock Park, check out my Ashley Olsen, Sean Hayes, and Shonda Rhimes posts.

The John Barrymore Home
Features - built in 1918, 6,300 sq. ft., hand-carved mahogany paneling, and stained-glass windows.

Barrymore divorced soon after purchasing the home and never moved in.

Which of the four Hancock Park homes that I featured this week did you like the best? Personally, I'm torn between this one and Sean's...and Shondra's!

Photos courtesy of: Luxist


Mimi said...

i love the pool! i think my favorite is sean hayes' house. :D

<3, Mimi

ae said...

Shondra's was my favorite!

Anonymous said...

just came across your blog! it's seriously so great! omg love the pooool!

sarah - dodeline design said...

Really beautiful, but I personally like something a little more casual :-)


Josie said...

The exterior of this one might be my favorite so far, but the inside is a bit dark for my taste...
xo Josie

Audrey Allure said...

Such a beautiful home!

Sierra said...

hmm they all look amazing - so hard to decide! i am loving that pool.

Angela said...

they are all great.

Meghan said...

I think Shondra's is my favorite too! I loved the decor!

Diana Mieczan said...

I love them all:) amazing. Happy Sunday, sweetie

Jules said...

6,300 sq. ft. would be heaven! The mahogany paneling is gorgeous and the pool out back almost has a romantic feel to it. This is truly a beautiful home. This and Sean’s home were my favorites!

simplychic said...

i'm going with sean's. love it!

stylefrontier said...

such a lovely interior inspiration!
im loving the pool as well

J said...

omg this house is AMAZING!!! i wuld loveeeeee to live there!! gosh life is unfair ;)

J said...

omg this house is AMAZING!!! i wuld loveeeeee to live there!! gosh life is unfair ;)

Laura Darling said...

Ooooh that pool is lovely! It's such a gorgeous house and it's a shame he never moved in!

Unknown said...

It was a gorgeous house in its original state. Spent a lot of time there as a child when owned by Odel Mc'Connell. It's beautiful now but I liked it when it was all original with all the antique furniture and artwork

Unknown said...

It was a gorgeous house in its original state. Spent a lot of time there as a child when owned by Odel Mc'Connell. It's beautiful now but I liked it when it was all original with all the antique furniture and artwork