My favorite part of the work week is here again - Man Candy Monday! I understand that this week my pick may not be one which you all drool over. Let me explain. I have a newfound love for Timothy Olyphant.
He's been in lots of movies and TV shows but it didn't click until Justified (one of my favorite shows on TV right now). Wow does he make a cowboy look good on that show! I'll let you judge for yourself...
He's been in lots of movies and TV shows but it didn't click until Justified (one of my favorite shows on TV right now). Wow does he make a cowboy look good on that show! I'll let you judge for yourself...

Birth Name
Timothy David Olyphant
Date of Birth
May 20, 1968
Birth Place
Honolulu, Hawaii
Swam competitively while attending USC
Family Life
Married with one son and two daughters
Notable Roles
I Am Number Four
The Crazies
Catch and Release
A Perfect Getaway
Scream 2
So what's your final verdict? Are you team Timothy?
You have someone else who meets you many candy criteria? Link up and share him with us!
P.S. Sorry about the formatting issues. Whenever I switch, mid-post, from Mac to PC it messes everything up :(
I am just laughing right now! Really. Why? You'll see...
And I really had no time to change my man! lol
Have a fantastic Monday!!!
How did I not know about him? Unacceptable, clearly.
xo Josie
He is CUTE!! I'm dying for that show to come over here. I just linked up with you, I was getting all clammy trying to decide on my dude. Haha! So fun, though!
david-beckham!!! It's his bday today too =) FUN!
Lurve me some Timothy Olyphant! Tres sexy!
I like his last name! I had never heard of that show till I started seeing your twitter posts. He looks handsome, but I don't think I can get the full effect until I see him in action. If he has a cowboy drawl, that will make him 98x hotter in my book. :)
I'll come up with a man soon!
well hellooo to timothy! when i saw that he was married i felt let down until i remembered that i was too! oopsy!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE him! Justified is my favorite show. I was a swimmer in college too and I did not know that about him. My obesession may have just increased :)
OOPS! I used the wrong pic for the link up, I should've posted the man candy not me... duh!
I'll try to get it right next time
he is cute and very easy on the eyes. : )
I like him because he seems so normal for some reason!
I think he looks like Josh Duhamel! Cute! I don't think I've ever seen anything he's been in.
*sigh* He is to die for!
i remember him from scream. he's cuuute! didn't realize that until now though. guess i needed you to remind me.
Beautiful :)
i remember this guy from catch and release. he's kinda bf-ish for sure!
and girl i guffawed loudly at your shred comment...i'm on day 98 b/c i keep having life and things interrupt the ol' schedule. it may take me til june to get through that mother. argh
I'm definitely team Timothy.
I love him! I've loved him since the movie "Go" and of course for his appearance on The Office. I didn't even know he was on a new show. Great choice!!!
so good looking :)
I thought I liked him but I was confusing him for Josh Duhamel who I think is super hot (Win a Date with Tad Hamilton and Life as We Know it)!
i was waiting tables at a beach bar in the florida panhandle at least a decade ago and waited on timothy olyphant. he was in town shooting coastlines with josh brolin, who i waited on another night. both very good looking! and very very polite.
He was in "Go", right? I think that's what that movie was called...He was hot in that one.
I can't believe he's in his 40's! He is really good looking. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he looks like Josh Duhamel (which isn't a bad thing at all). It's been so long since I've seen Scream 2. I didn't know he was in that.
i like Him :)
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