Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Crawfish Boil!

Souvenir cups

Over Memorial Day Weekend I experienced my very first Rizerfest Crawfish Boil. In its sixth year and running strong, this event has a huge turnout each year. I was especially excited to be there because I had never tried crawfish before and was eager to get a taste of the bayou!

Held in Santa Monica, this celebration was complete with 130lbs of southern raised crawfish, beer, flip cup, and lots of good people - it seems as if the atmosphere bred southern hospitality. Very rarely do you get a group of around 100 people (who are drinking) together without any disagreements. But the day really was perfect and everyone was beyond nice.

Sorry for eating you little guys!

Eating the crawfish was...interesting. I used to be a vegetarian and only started eating chicken and fish a year ago. So to have to twist the head off of these little suckers was pretty rough. Then again, I was hungry and they don't have much meat in them so eventually I got to the point where I was willing to do what I had to do to eat! And of course the beer washed the crawfish down perfectly.

Me and my friend Kathrin

I also had a blast playing flip cup. Somehow I had never played before and I had been missing out. I don't know how or why but for my very first game I was the anchor. We lost - but it wasn't my fault becuase I didn't even get the chance to drink. The second time I started our team off and was able to flip my cup on the very first try (hell yeah!) - we still lost though. By the third game we won but I had to stop drinking since I was the DD. Next time it's on though!

Overall, Rizerfest was a great time and I am already looking forward to next year's festivities.


  1. ohhhh man...im a sucker for some crawfish! :-)

  2. I have never tried crawfish before, but you're kind of making me want to do it. The festival sounds like a great time and I'm loving the photo of you and your friend. You look great!

    Flip cup is something I haven't had a lot of experience with either. They had a tournament on the cruise, but I was too scared to enter for fear of sucking. LOL!

  3. This sounds like so much fun -- and looks like a tasty time!
    xo Josie

  4. Crawfish and flip cup! So much fun! I'm awful at playing, but i love it so much!!!
    I'm also awful at eating crawfish, but once the work is done... yum yummm!

  5. I love flip cup! We played in a tournament on the VH1 cruise that we were on. We weren't great, but it was still fun!

    Thanks for checking out my blog! Jules told me about yours as well & I'm excited to enter the blogosphere with you both! And I also LOVE Southern California. <3

  6. Played flip cup a few times back in the day...always so fun...but I don't really drink beer anymore...more of a wine girl...although summer, crawfish- beer does seem like the drink of choice!
    Stopping over from Jules at Chic and Pink...
    Following along w you now- Hope you have a great week.

  7. i looove flippy cup!!!! i'm glad you were introduced!!

  8. new follower :) loveeeeee your cutesy blog doll! it is adorable and so are you.

  9. Looks like a delicious and very fun time! xo style, she wrote

  10. oooh, crawfish is really good! :D

    p.s. come join my $100 Shopbop gift card giveaway. :)

    <3, Mimi

  11. how weird...the first time i ever heard of a crawfish boil was in the news today. some college girl went missing after one but luckily was found safe.

    anyway...sounds like fun! oh and flip cup...AWESOME! best drinking game EVER!!!

  12. I'm not a fan of seafood really but I'm glad you had fun though :) At least you experienced it. x

  13. Sounded like a great event! Haha, I've only played flip cup once but I'm not much of a beer person lol.

  14. Ok, Don't think I could eat crawfish...nope! BUT I love flip cup!!!

  15. Never had crawfish! But this looks like so much fun!

    A Little Bit of This & That

  16. Awww . . . takes me right back to New Orleans. Except that I've never actually tried crawfish! I have tried plenty of beer, though, haha, so it still sounds fun to me!

  17. I love little festival events like this. I know what you mean about having to twist their heads off. That's one of the reasons I won't go near them.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I would never have the guts to try crawfish! They scare me :P

  19. Hmmm...crawfish!!! :) Yummy!!!


    P.s. I think now you can see my profile again. See? Told ya I'd fix it! ;)


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