I am fortunate enough to be returning this fall to visit a friend in Nashville (my first time in Music City, USA!). After a phone conversation with my pal earlier this week, I seem to be daydreaming of the region and one of the things that pops into my mind is mason jars. Totally country chic.
Aren't they just beautiful? They can be used for the simplest things and create such a big impact. Do/have you used mason jars to decorate?

It's also time for another edition of What the Hell Wednesday with Christianna of The Girl With the Blue Bow! So here's my rant...
Yesterday I saw a familiar homeless woman eating from the trash outside of my work. She's a bit scary and tends to yell at people but I figured I'd put my fear aside and give her one of the two bananas I'd just bought. I hand her the piece of fruit and say "Here ya go!", to which she responds with a dirty look then proceeds to throw (and by throw I mean slam) than banana into the trash! Really?!
What do you need to get off your chest this week? Head on over to Christianna's blog and link up!
Just lovely. :)
totally LOVE them too - it just makes everything MAGICAL!
Mason jars can be used in SO many ways! I'm dying to sip some drinks out of them or to throw candles to light up a breazy summer night.
Eternally yours,
I love mason jars too - these photos are beautiful. Liking the colored ones!
Oh I love mason jars also! These all look great and have given me some awesome ideas on how to use them!!
I love mason jars! You can use them in so many ways!
Yay for Nashville! I hope you have a date with Loveless Cafe lined up! ;)
Oh my gosh, how lovely! I love all of those jars! They're so simple, like you said, but amazing! :) Great pins!
Hey, thanks for linking up! You're the best! That would be really irritating. I mean she should have at least said thank you, right?
P.S. feel free to use the thumbnail linky, so my readers can check out your rant!
It's amazing all the uses for mason jars!
I have tons of Mason jars around the house. I think I might steal the tea light idea....
i love the lamps made with the jars!
Crazy ass homeless lady! That made me laugh!!
I LOVE mason jars too! I would love to make them into a light fixture one day. So pretty!! And while we may not be considered part of "the south" (even though we are south dangit! lol) you should definitely come down to Texas for a visit ;) Lots of manners here!
i can't believe she didn't want your banana...how crazy is that!
anyway, i love mason jars too. i've always wanted to put photos inside them and decorate them over the house. i need a house--sigh!
Great post! I love them too! The 4th one is my fav. So creative!
Hahah, this post made me laugh a little because my friend that I went wedding dress shopping with this past weekend kept talking about how much she loves Mason jars and how she wants to incorporate them into her wedding! Great minds must think alike :)
I love those!! I saw your pins this week and thought they were so cute (: I always secretly wish I was born in the South haha
mason jars are my faaaave :) :)
I love these mason jar ideas! They are all so cute!
um, love the mason jar thing! they are fab!
i used to work in downtown la, and every single day for YEARS the same homeless woman would stop me and say, "ma'am i am six months pregnant, can you please help me." well i FINALLY got up the nerve to tell her, "lady, you have been six months pregnant for years. you need a new line. but here's a dollar."
I'm OBSESSED with Mason jars! They make everything instantly more fun.
xo Josie
NEVER offer her a banana again. What a rude lady, guess she likes digging in the trash!
Anyways, love all the pics of the mason jars! So many great ideas :)
Oh me too! I can't get enough of them :)
There is something so magical about mason jars!
As a Southern girl, I LOVE Mason jars. I use them all the time at events: candy dishes, drinkware, candle holders, whatever!
YAY for the South and all things Southern-inspired! LOVE mason jars. AND love love love Nashville. You will have so much fun, and not want to leave! & then you'll only be 2 hours from ME and we could totally hang out. ;) ;) ;)
Since my sister just moved to Nashville I've been twice in a month lol. Great city though, you'll love it :)
mason jars are the best! i love how versatile they are. and they always seem to look great no matter what you use them for. :D
<3, Mimi
I'm in love with your bloggy! Too cutes.
I love mason jars. I wish we had them here. They are pretty and you can use them for so many things.
As for the banana thing! Oh my gosh. I would have accepted it because banana are super expensive here at the moment.
I love it. The pink lemonade is so cute. I definitely want to make some lanterns.
Love this post! Great ideas on how to turn a simple mason jar into a great piece of decor. Thanks for sharing!
What stunning pictures!!
I wish wish we got mason jars in india :(
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