Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Because I need a chuckle...

Who doesn't right? Gotta do something to get through the week! So happy I have Friday and Monday off and I'll be lounging at the lake instead of plopped in front of the computer. Can I get an amen? are a few hilarious pins that I came across this week and I thought they'd be perfect for Oh, how Pinteresting and What the Hell Wednesday, the latter because what the hell, I want to be friends with the people who come up with these hysterical phrases/photos.

To see more of my pins and to be Pinterest friends, add me :)

To play along with, join the fun over at Miss Michelle's blog, The Vintage Apple.

And if you're looking for another awesome link up, be sure to head over to Christianna's blog, The Girl With the Blue Bow, and get in on her What the Hell Wednesday blog hop. You're sure to be entertained!


Cafe Fashionista said...

Haha! I LOVE the first picture/graphic - so perfect! :)

Unknown said...

LOVVVE - i was smiling the whole time reading it!

*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~

Alyson said...

this is so funny!! Thanks for giving me some laughs right now.
and, ps: sorry I've been a little MIA on your fab blog. Been away, crazy busy, etc however no excuse for not wishing you a happy birthday. Hope you had an awesome one. LOVE those blue pumps in your last post!! xo
ps: giveaway for stella & dot jewelry happening on my bloggie right now:

sarah - dodeline design said...

I especially love the minion one!

jessica said...

holy crap, those are so funny! That banana one had me cracking up!! I needed a laugh so thanks :)

krystal said...

Hahahaha these are the BEST!

Christianna said...

Hahahahaha, smiles all around! I loved the math one that ends in "f this, I'll just be a stripper"! That just made my day!

And thanks for the awesome link up!

bananas. said...

the banana one is my's so funny and so true!!!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

i really love the pinterest one--that's hilarious.

Steph @ Thoughts From Cali said...

Thanks for the laughs I really need them, its been a long week!

ae said...

Love these! The 1st one is my favorite because it is so true.

Punctuation Mark said...

very funny!!!

Julie (Little Pink Rain Boots) said...

Definitely made my day!. That pinterest one is all too true.

meghan said...

THis post is hilarious!! I love the first one, especially. The thing that rings the most true is the DIY projects I'm too lazy to make! Oh my how I've never made DIY and don't know why I pretend I ever will.

Brianna said...

haha I LOVE the map one. too great

Anonymous said...

The quotes are very amusing!

Claire Kiefer said...

We got LIFE OF THE PARTY!!!! :) Although my home state got "hot and drunk"--ha!

So funny. :)

Anonymous said...

The first graphic is SO TRUE....pinterest it seriously so addicting. I spent way too much time there. I love the quote that says I love you with all my butt... haha I saw that this week too and repinned it.

henning love said...

haha these are a hoot! i loved that shaved kitty, you definitely got a chuckle out of me!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha I LOVE these! You def. got me laughing out loud!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Bahahhah!!! You made my day with all of these! Hilarious!!

Veronika said...

LMAO!!! =) I LOVE every one of these! =) Added the same Pinterest one to my page a while ago! =) Love it! SO true! Ha Ha! Thanks for sharing! LOVE this stuff! XO
Calling All Dolls!

No Place Like Home said...

i laughed hysterically when i read: i did not hit you ***
i simply high fived your face! hahahahahahah
you have such a cute blog. thanks for checking out mine! i am now a follower. follow me back if u like. :-)

Josie said...

That US map is HILARIOUS. Enough said.
xo Josie

Katie said...

Haha love these, thanks for the laugh! xo

happy hour 24/7 said...

oh em geez! (i apparently say that a lot these days, not just in print! haha) this is awesome! i might have to steal a couple of them! definitely made my day!

Chelsea @ two twenty one said...

Haha! I love these pins like a back-alley hooker loves crack. ;)

Anonymous said...

great pins! you should check out my Bobbie Brown make up compact I'm giving away on my blog :) xo

Kindra said...

hahah the last one is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your pins! I have some of the same ones pinned! I'm your newest follower! Can't wait to "get to know you" better!

Unknown said...

hilarious, thanks for the laugh

Unknown said...

I Laughed all the way down that! great pins :)

Marian said...

These definitely put a smile on my face!

Miss Angie said...

Your pins are CRACKING me up! Man I love the hooker card! Seriously LOL!

Sierra said...

Im pretty sure, okay 100% positive, that's I have pinned all of these on pinterest too! haha, i love the stripper one!

Brittany said...

I love all of your quotes!

Holly said...

haha love the banana one

Kristy said...

OMG girl!! I just laughed my butt off!! These are awesomeness!!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Love your pins girl. :) The hungover quote is fun! :)

Mimi said...

hahahahaha, these are so funny! i love the map! yeeeaaaahh, california=life of the party! ;)

<3, Mimi