This past weekend I went to see my favorite band, 311. We had great seats, the best I've ever sat in at Verizon Amphitheater (in Irvine). I actually had seat 311 which is awesome. The night was fantastic!
It's about the 25th time I've seen 311...yeah I am a hardcore fan. They were amazing, as per usual! Also incredible? Sublime with Rome. Rome is such a talented dude. His voice is really similar to Badley Nowell's and he's done a great job picking up where the band left off.
Apparently they aren't allowed to use the name Sublime because Bradley owned all rights. Since he passed away his family won't let the remaining band members use the name. Kinda lame if you ask me. It's not the rest of the band cause Bradley to overdose on drugs. Kids, DO NOT do drugs.
Sublime With Rome played for a good hour and the entire crowd was on their feet singing the new and old songs. After they finished their set 311 came out and played for nearly two hours. Despite the fact I've seen them so many times, it's still so exciting for me to hear them play my favorite songs live. Plus Nick Hexum (lead singer) isn't so bad to look at ;)

I'm really loving 311's new CD, Universal Pulse. It took me awhile to get into it but now I am obsessed. Also obsessed with Sublime with Rome's song "PCH". I've been listening to it on repeat for the past few days. It makes me want to take off down the coastline blasting the song. If you have a few minutes it's worth a listen. And check out their CD, Yours Truly. I'm loving the song "Panic" because it's a real throwback to old Sublime and the whole ska movement.
If you're a music lover and you enjoy the rock, alternative, ska, punk sounds and are somehow not familiar with these two bands, def check them out...STAT!
Sounds like you had a great time!!
my husband LOVES 311 & to this day still says that the 311 concert we went to 7 years ago was the best concert ever.
i'm sure it was awesome.
i LOVE sublime!
Hi there - visiting (and following) after seeing your shout-out on Mom2Memphis&Ruby!
It sounds fantastic! Glad you had fun, doll!
xo Josie
LOVE all these pictures (and loved seeing all the sneak peeks on Instagram!) - I used to love, love, love Sublime. I was like, 4 or 5 when Bradley OD'd, but got into them more when I got older. I had NO idea there was a new singer (or all that crazy shit about the rights to the name!).
Seriously, so glad you had such a fun time!
311 brings back old memories for me of being 22 and cruising A1A in my old beat up car.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I am now following you on twitter via flgirlmidwest.
I contemplated going to this concert, because it is coming here... Should be fun! I don't know if I'll make it though.
Glad you had a good time!
Glad you had so much fun! 311 was one of my absolute faves growing up (Nick Hexum too ;)!! And I heard "Panic" the other day and LOVE the ska sound too. Reminds me of the good ol' days!
Hubby is a hardcore Sublime fan. Coop even sports a shirt!
What are the chances that you got seat 311? That's very cool. Glad you enjoyed it. I loved Sublime back in the day.
sublime is back together? wah?
I saw 311 YEARS ago and I think it was at that same venue... it was a show with them, Jay Z, N*E*R*D and some other acts it was a great time, heck you were probably there also
I'll have to give their new stuff a listen
Sublime sure takes me back...
i havent heard of 311...sublime, though, of course!
i would love to be driving on the PCH right now by the way
I have not heard their latest, but I used to be obsessed with "Beautiful Disaster." It is still one of my favorites.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
So glad you had a good time and it makes such a difference when you have great seats. xo
How awesome! Looks and sounds like you had a great time at the concert.
i've heard good things about the new sublime but i don't know...i'm such a bradley nowell fan. i feel like i'm betraying him when i listen to any of the new sublime music. plus i can tell it's not him. no one can take brad's place...no matter how much they. thoughi'm sure they're highly entertaining. that type of music is truly one of my all time favorites!
What a fun concert! And how random/cool you got seat 311! Im a 311 fan too =) I was only lucky enough to see them once a few years ago at the Santa Barbara Bowl, they do great live shows! Im new to your blog so Im not sure if you've heard of the band Pepper but they played with 311 and their really good too! I love good music =)
It looks like you had a great time! I saw them once at my undergrad. Because of an organization I was in, I happened to be back stage and watched the show from the side. It was awesome!
oh man, i love 311. this reminds me of growing up so much--back when music was amazing and not just autotune!
Awesome seat. 25th time?!? That's insane. The most I've seen a band is 9 times for Blink 182. But I'm seeing them for the 10th time next week! 311 is playing here Friday and I've got a few friends going. I'm glad they still put on a good show. I'm also digging that Sublime with Rome song! He does sound like Bradley. Ah, Sublime...reminds me of high school.
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