Source: via Kerri on Pinterest
Source: via Alexandra on Pinterest
Source: via Katie on Pinterest
Source: via Chaeli on Pinterest
Source: via Courtney on Pinterest
Source: via Pascale on Pinterest
What are you dreaming of? If it's pink and green, link up with Pink Preppy Lilly Lover for Pink & Green Thursday. It's lots of fun and you'll meet lots of new friends. Play along :)

Since we are on the topic of youth and happiness, I wanted to mention The Fresh Air Fund, an organization that dates back to 1877. It's a program that provides summer experiences in the country and suburbs...for FREE! The kids are able to get these vacations thanks to host families that open their homes to children between the ages if 6 and 18.
Last year, nearly 5,000 kids were placed. That's pretty impressive. This year there is still a week left to help 200 children. Volunteers are needed in the northeast States and Canada so if you know anyone interested, or are interested yourself, check it out!
Last year, nearly 5,000 kids were placed. That's pretty impressive. This year there is still a week left to help 200 children. Volunteers are needed in the northeast States and Canada so if you know anyone interested, or are interested yourself, check it out!
Aww I love this! It's so nice to reminisce and look back on your childhood! It's so funny how growing up you want to be older and when your older, you want to be younger :)
Happy almost Birthday! :)
i STILL watch peter pan whenever it's on!
*kiss kiss*
Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~
oh em gee, me too! Lucikly I babysit my neph every Saturday so I kinda get to be a kid on Saturdays. We play and watch cartoons and blow bubbles and write with sidewalk chalk and go on bug hunts. It's the best. But umm 99 percent of the time I'm a grown up which has it perks, but I totally miss those carefree days!
I know what you mean! This is my last summer as a "kid" and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can. It goes so fast and I'm just trying to savor it!
Isn't that the truth?! I remember how bored I got, but boredom would seem such a luxury these days!
aww I love this post! I often wish I was a kid again with no bills, no drama, NO JOB! lol.. The good old day for sure :)
days* :)
Adorable photos! And this week that sentiment of wanting to be free of responsibilities and full of dreams again as been forefront in my mind .... ah to be a kid!
Love this! The thing I miss the most is sleeping in. I am in need of a nap right now. ;)
True!!! I always look at kids and say "you've got your whole awesome life ahead of you, and you can enjoy life NOW. Why are you crying?!". Sometimes I add "it gets worse" lOl not helping I know. ;) wanna sleep in again.... :(((
sometimes i feel the same way. or i wish i just could have predicted the future so i could have done things slightly different when i was in high school, lol.
love that green dress.
I absolutely love everything about this post. With teaching, I always tell my students to enjoy it - to not deal with the bullshit and drama (obviously using different language), and to just have fun while they can. I think I got so caught up in trying to act more grown up and adult, and I definitely did waste some of my fun years with unnecessary problems!
Love all these pictures - they definitely brought me back and made me reflect!
Ah, I love the Fresh Air fund - I've been trying to convince my parents to become a part of it! I think that our house at Cape Cod would be a perfect beach getaway/opportunity for someone!
You're such a wonderful person, xox
Lovely post. I love the 2nd and 3rd picture. Those kids are adorable :)
I so wish I had zero responsibilities again:) Oh, to live a carefree life, right?
summer break, riding bikes, sleeping in... I still do that... haha :) only for a bit longer though! and I love that cute "peter pan" outfit!
Oh I really like this post!! I have felt the very same way many times over the years!
Oh I love this, makes me want to be a kid again!
Let's be kids again...please!
i know, i would not mind spending some time in childhood, i bet that is so stress free!
This is such a lovely post. Now that I'm living in my own apartment I keep thinking about how nice it would be to turn back the clock and be a kid again for a little bit! xo
Totally feel you on this one! WHy can't adults have summer vacation too?!?
Nothing is quite as magical as the summer when you're a kiddo!
Perfect post! I'm visiting from Pink and Green Thursday. I love how you incorporated Peter Pan and also brought to light such a wonderful cause! At least tomorrow is Friday for us grown ups!! :)
I love the chalk crown! So sweet.
xo Josie
I think we all go through this. I feel the same way and I find myself reminiscing a lot about being a child (or at least a teen). Oh to be a child again :)
I would give ANYTHING to be a kid again! Being an adult and responsible is SO over rated! =)
Great post! Being a kid, so carefree without a responsibility in the world...ahhhhh. I wish! At least I get to relive it a little bit through my kids. I love the picture of the little boy with the sidewalk chalk crown. I might steal that idea! The Fresh Air Fund is such a great organization! I've never heard of it before but I will be looking into it.
Just found your lovely blog all the way from Spain. Gorgeous images. If you have time do pop over to my blog and join in our lively discussions ;-)
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