Also, today is the last day to enter the Favorite Things Swap. You must sign up by 2pm PST so I can pair you all up and let you shop over the holiday weekend. Sign up here!
Now onto fashion...
I know what some of you are thinking, "Ew, who shops at Payless?!" This girl. I don't care where I get items as long as I love them. Shoot, I was once out of state at a funeral and needed dress shoes so I went to Walmart and picked out boots that I still wear. OK so that's my defending myself rant. Back to Payless.

I needed a pair of heels for my birthday and stumbled across these hot blue suede shoes ($29.99). Upon walking into my local Payless I discovered they have a BOGO special taking place. OK I can't pass up a sale! So I proceed to purchase these sparkly flats ($16.99) which I thought were cute. My mom said they look like kids' shoes. My feet said they were too tight. So I returned them.

That's when I discovered a new shipment with more awesome pumps! I tried on this pair of gray bad boys ($27.99) that would match with everything and were super easy to walk in...but they kept slipping off one of my feet. I swear I'm between a size 8 and 8 1/2. I had to pass on them because of the fit.

Then I spotted these beauties ($29.99)! They are pretty much identical to the flats I had to return, but with a heel. Yes they may be a bit...glittery, but I'm sure I can wear them to a nice LA bar. And there's always Vegas!

If you're up for Payless, I highly suggest you head into your local store. I believe BOGO is going on until next Tuesday, September 6.
What fashion finds are you all about right now? Link up and play along with Kori!

Photos courtesy of: Payless
Love the blue suede!! Good finds!
I love Payless. You can seriously find the cutest shoes for so cheap in there... you just gotta look a little! Love your finds!
Ummm, so I love those blue heels. They are awesome!!
Thsoe blue shoes kick some major ass! And I love me some Payless too!
Not going to lie, I was tempted to buy those lovely blue pumps when I was there! I just bought these from Payless:
I'm sorry, those cobalt heels are from PAYLESS? Whatup. Making a trip to the website ASAP.
xo Josie
Girl, you know I LOVE ME SOME PAYLESS! They really have stepped their game up btw. I saw some glitter heels that looked like that in there but were pumps like the blue suede. I LOVE the BLUE SUEDE! I did not seem them but I need to go get them before their BOGO ends. I got my neph black cowboy boots and church shoes there last Friday. They really have the best stuff and it's shocking.
love the blue suede! nothing wrong with Payless, either!
i think payless is great! i really love those grey heels! grey is my go-to color and that would match with so many things!
cute! I love the glittery ones (: I rarely go into payless but I'll have to check it out!
A couple of my favorite shoes have come from Payless!
I love payless shoes!! Cute, trendy shoes and you don't feel guilty for not wearing them more than one season!
I'm totally with you--I don't care where I find something as long as it's cute! I never go to payless b/c for cheap shoes, they're not THAT cheap, haha! I often go to Marshalls, TJ Maxx, etc. to get shoe deals. But you may have convinced me to try Payless cause like I told you, I have shoes that look almost just like those blue ones that I paid WAY more for at Steve Madden!
I want a Claire-Leeann shopping date!!! :(
I just picked up the platform version of the sparkly flats. I had no idea they had such awesome shoes these days.
I love all those sparkly shoes! I'm going to have to stop by Payless soon!
Wow! Cute finds. I agree on not caring where I shop. I'm all about trying to find a good deal and if it's something I like, who cares where it's from or what the brand is. Hooray Payless!
oh i love that blue.
Cute shoe!
ooh! loving the shoes! payless is always a hit or miss for me...but seeing those, I might have to go check it out! especially with their bogo buy one get one half off! thanks for sharing!
ok. they really are super cute, but are they comfortable too?
I so need the glitter. Like, for a bachelorette party tomorrow. Can you FedEx them??? Ha:)
Hey, I'm all for "if it's comfy and you don't want to spend much, go for it!!". Payless doesn't get the credit it deserves sometimes. In the end of the day people should be talking about how cute your shoes looks (or you) rathan than where the shoes came from. :)
Love them all girl.
Happy weekend.
Payless does have a great selection of fun, stylish shoes for less!
i am like that too! i don't care what brand it is as long as i like it and know i will wear it. :)
i love that shade of blue! i think i'll go visit the payless store near me. :D
<3, Mimi
Great post, I love those shoes ! I joined the gossip...I am following your blog with google friend connect cause I like it very much, I'd be delighted if you would want to follow my blog too :) Kisses
Fashion and Cookies
I love those blue suede shoes! I must get to payless now!
Sooo, I tried to leave a comment for you last night, but I don't think it went through...sorry if you get this twice!
I LOVE LOVE the blue shoes! They are so pretty! I never can think to go to Payless...but now that I've seen your amazing finds, I think I'll have to head there SOON!
I've purchased a few great shoes from Payless too :)
loving that shade of blue!
Great find!! I love the blue shoes!
I shop at Payless all the time too! Honestly, once the shoes are on your feet no one knows where you got them & that you paid a fraction of the price as the high end retailed ones ;)
Um, wth were those last pair of shoes when I needed some for my wedding day? So pretty.
I have glitter flats and I love them, but I think you're right, that last pair feel a lot more grown up! I'm still loving those blue suede shoes! I've got to find a Payless.
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