Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloweekend in Review

I hope you all had a great Halloween weekend! I was happy to actually get out and be among friends after being sick and cooped up for two weeks. My first order of business: sugar skull makeup for a Saturday night party.

It was my first time attempting the look and I used cheap Halloween drug store white face paint that took forever to apply so I didn't quite complete the details, but it was good enough for a first try.

Sunday my friend scored VIP passes to the closing weekend of the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA. The pieces on display were amazing!! I'm not obsessed with Tim Burton, like so many others, but I am certainly a fan. It was pretty cool to see his sketches and other creations up close. Unfortunately no pictures were allowed once in the exhibition :(

While at LACMA I had to snap a few pictures of the Urban Lights exhibit by Chris Burden. Do these look familiar? They're from the movie Friends With Benefits starring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. There is a scene where the two fight and a security guard stops them - that was in front of these lights.

And then came the actual Halloween! My costume at work yesterday was a flapper outfit that I recycled from a few Halloweens back. Here's a close up of my hair and makeup.

I hope you all had fun last night!


  1. Your Halloween was pretty awesome. I had no clue there was a Tim Burton exhibit going on, my husband would have loved to go...sucks.

    For being your first try your make up turned out pretty good on the first photo & you look like a total flapper hottie in the last ones haha :)

  2. Cute! LOVE the Flapper costume!
    xo Josie

  3. Loving your red lipstick! Hope you had fun! Kori xoox

  4. I love it all! Sounds like you had a really good Halloween weekend!

  5. That would be a fun exhibit to go to! Great job with the makeup! :D

  6. Not to be a square but whats a sugar skull? And I love both your make up adventures. I miss Halloween already!

  7. Your makeup was awesome this weekend! And I totally remember those lights from the movie! Very cool!!

  8. Oh my goodness girl, I love both of your costumes!!! I've seen so many cute flapper ideas this year and have loved them all! I'm also really liking the Tim Burton inspired costume. So Halloween :)

  9. Leeann your make-up was AWESOME!!! and even though you couldn't take pics at the Tim Burton exhibit, what an experience to be LUCKY to be able to go to.

    ps. i believe in recycling halloween costumes especially if it's a cute flapper with red lips!

  10. Love the urban lights... and your flapper outfit. :D

  11. UGH! I'm so jealous, I've wanted to be a flapper since I was a kid but never have. I'm totally being one next year if it's the last thing I do! Love the make-up in both get ups. Glad you are feeling better :0)

  12. You look so pretty in all those pictures--including the face paint ones! I want to see your WHOLE flapper costume please; I'm sure it was adorable. I didn't dress up this year (LAME) but I did carve pumpkins, watch scary movies, & eat lots of Halloween candy. :)

  13. i am not obsessed with Tim Burton whatsoever but that sounds like so much fun to do on Halloween! like the face paint! :)

  14. you look so cute in the flapper look.

  15. i love the face makeup!!! you did such a good job!

  16. OOH your make up looks great! I love it! My husband would LOVE the Tim Burton exhibit.

  17. What a bunch of fun plans! I love the flapper look on you. I'm sometimes a grump when it comes to Halloween. I hate costumes! :(

  18. i love your costumes, the flapper is definitely my favorite. you rock that red lip color!

  19. Love both of your costumes! They are awesome and well thought out! The make up is great! And I'm so jealous of the Tim Burton expo!

  20. I love that you were able to squeeze so much fun into one weekend, especially for Halloween! Both costumes looked great and you really did a nice job on your sugar skull makeup. It's so fun to let loose and be whatever you want on Halloween :)

    I'm sure the exhibit was incredible and I love the photos you captured of the lights. I still need to see Friends With Benefits. It's on my list!

  21. I saw those lights when I was at LACMA...pretty cool.

    liking the skull face!

  22. love your halloween "face" and the last two photos as well! no halloween for me as i had a good amount of it in NOLA.

  23. those lamp posts are awesome! such beautiful photos. and i think you did a great job with the make-up. success! :)
    xo TJ

  24. I think you looked rad and your flapper costume was awesome, too. SO COOL that you got to check out the Burton exhibit. Epic fail on my part :(

  25. You are GORGEOUS!

    I did the sugar skull makeup this year. :)

    I LOVE Tim Burton!

  26. looove gg :-) really nice photos- and great blog!
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling
    follow if you love to dear

  27. Great costumes. That's awesome that you got to see the Tim Burton Exhibit!

  28. You look amazing! It's weird how you can barely recognize you with all that makeup on!


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