Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Be sure to enter to win an adorable clutch giveaway I'm hosting!

And, please stop by the wonderful Ashlyn's blog, My Unrehearsed Life, today becuase she featured me!! She's awesome, you'll love her :)

Now, onto my Wednesday posts! For the past year I have gradually been transforming my hair into an ombre 'do. It actually takes quite some time to achieve if you want to do it correctly. Since I had my hair done last night, continuing to get closer to my goal look (LC's hair), ombre pins were on my mind today.

Source: via Alyssa on Pinterest

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Source: via Clary on Pinterest

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

Source: via Alicia on Pinterest

Source: via Laura on Pinterest

Source: via Brittney on Pinterest

Source: via Allie on Pinterest

What do you think of the look? It's gotten pretty popular recently.

Have some fantastic pins on your blog today? Link up with The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday.

Or maybe you're having a what the hell? moment. If so, play along with my pal Christianna of The Girl With the Blue Bow. I def have some what the hells today. 1) Asthma attacks. Are they necessary? Must I have them? I would love the answer to both questions to be no, but instead last week I suffered from a few. 2) Stomach aches. Again I could ask the above two questions and answer them the same way. I recently started eating beef and pork after a three year hiatus and my stomach is not OK with that situation. Right now I'm downing 7Up and chompin' on saltines. Boo!


agalandherdog said...

Love those hairdos!

Unknown said...

As much as I love each of those girls, I'm having a hard time jumping on the ombre train. It just looks like they're letting their roots take the spotlight...

Maybe I'm not fashionable enough LOL

C said...

I don't know about the ombre look anymore. If it's subtle I like it. But some of these ladies just look like they aren't taking care of their hair, or even washing it. I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well!

Chelsea said...

I've seen some kinda trashy looking ombre styles but I LOVE all the examples you picked out. I think they're subtle and gorgeous. I actually have a slight ombre look now which I achieved by going back brunette, letting the color fade and letting my roots grow out. Haha, I actually kind of like it since it's "in" right now :) Lauren Conrad's hair is gorgeous in that pic!

Mel said...

Why can't my hair look that good everyday (or any day, really)? Sigh...

Josie said...

I love subtle ombre like Jennifer Aniston's!
xo Josie

Jules said...

From all the pics I've seen, your hair is definitely starting to resemble LC's and that's a good thing because her hair is gorgeous. I also wouldn't mind having Jennifer Aniston's hair either.

I'm sorry about the Asthma attacks and tummy aches. Boo universe! I hope you feel better soon :)

Lovely Scribbles said...

All of these women look great, but I don't think I could pull it off! I'm kind of a freak about keeping my roots touched up. It's a non-negotiable in the budget. ;) I have no doubt that you could pull it off, though, and look totally fabulous!

Christianna said...

LOVE these hair pictures!

And your "what the hells" sound like no fun. I'm sorry :( Hope you feel better soon!

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

i love that look...or maybe I just love LC :)

Julie (Little Pink Rain Boots) said...

I love this look, any excuse to let my highlights grow out a bit haha. I really like the way Jessica Biel's look.

Punctuation Mark said...

that is the look i wish i had but my hair is still too short for it... love it!

Kristy said...

LOVE LOVE all the hair pics!!!

Stephanie said...

I love the ombre look! I wish I could pull it off but I'm afraid it wouldn't look right on me!

Ivana said...

I love this hairstyle so much! It looks effortlessly chic, and that´s what I like the most!

Happy Thursday!

xx Ivana
Style in the City

Be sure to enter my giveaway to win an amazing scrapbook software :)

Hot Pink Combat Boots said...

Hi Leeann!

You might want to check this out....

Michelle ;)

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh I really like this style. Looks so pretty!!

Alyson said...

so, so pretty. My hair is just auburn, one color, and can't imagine it with this style, however totally works with the brunette/blonde locks. Nice!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Im a new follower! Check mine out!

Kimberlee said...

I'm iffy about the look. It can look good on some people. But I also don't dye my hair so I won't be rocking it.

Leesh said...

I love anything Lauren. Her hair is beautiful.

Carly said...

Thanks for sourcing sundaylovexo!

I just discovered your blog and I really like it :)

x Carly

Savanah said...

My sister just mentioned this hairstyle to me this weekend and said she wanted to do it! I never knew it actually had a name, but I think it's very pretty!