To show my thanks, I am hosting a HUGE giveaway. One lucky winner will walk away with all of these incredible prizes:
A 16oz Christmas Cookie candle and a Cake Batter Ice Cream body whip provided by Infinity Line.

A trio of iPhone 4 cases donated by Reni of in HER shoes.

A Full Set thanks to French Tip Dip.

A trio of iPhone 4 cases donated by Reni of in HER shoes.
A Full Set thanks to French Tip Dip.

Sound pretty awesome? Want to win? Follow my blog and let me know you did so to be entered (mandatory). For extra entries:
-Like Join the Gossip on Facebook (+2)
-Follow @jointhegossip on twitter (+2)
-Tweet about this giveaway mentioning @jointhegossip (+1)
-Follow Silly Grrl's blog (+1)
-Follow @sillygrrl on twitter (+1)
-Follow @infinityline on twitter (+1)
-Follow in Her shoes' blog (+1)
-Follow @inHER_shoes on twitter (+1)
-Follow @FrenchTipDip on twitter (+1)
-Follow The Girl With the Blue Bow's blog (+1)
-Follow @BlueBowGrl on twitter (+1)
-Follow @TheAlternates on twitter (+1)
-Follow @BathBar on twitter (+1)
That's a total of 15 possible entries! By no means do you have to do anything other than be a follower of Join the Gossip, but if you want to up your chances, there's plenty of opportunities!
One winner will be selected and announced on Tuesday, January 2. Good luck :)

-Follow @sillygrrl on twitter (+1)
-Follow @infinityline on twitter (+1)
-Follow in Her shoes' blog (+1)
-Follow @inHER_shoes on twitter (+1)
-Follow @FrenchTipDip on twitter (+1)
-Follow The Girl With the Blue Bow's blog (+1)
-Follow @BlueBowGrl on twitter (+1)
-Follow @TheAlternates on twitter (+1)
-Follow @BathBar on twitter (+1)
That's a total of 15 possible entries! By no means do you have to do anything other than be a follower of Join the Gossip, but if you want to up your chances, there's plenty of opportunities!
One winner will be selected and announced on Tuesday, January 2. Good luck :)

I follow JTG on Twitter
I like JTG on Facebook :)
how fun!! i follow via gfc
lauren51990 at aol dot com
like join the gossip 1
lauren51990 at aol dot com
like join the gossip on fb 2
lauren51990 at aol dot com
OH MY WORD. Seriously. All of these items??? This is amazing! I am SO in:) Of course I follow.
I follow on Twitter!
I now follow sillygrrl on Twitter!
I follow infinityline on Twitter, too!
I follow BlueBowGrl, too!
I'm a follower of your lovely blog! Happy Blogiversary!
I follow your blog!
I follow you on twitter!
I'm following your fab blog! :)
I'm following you on Twitter.
I liked you on FB.
Of course I follow your blog...and if I didn't already love know that you started it on my birthday gives me that much more incentive :D
I am a follower!!
I am a twitter follower!!
I "like" Join the Gossip on fb!! Congrats on 4 years!! So awesome
I'm a follower!
I follow you on twitter
I know "like' you on facebook!
I follow SillyGrrl's blog
I follow SillyGrrl on twitter!
I did everything!
Happy 4 Year Blog-aversary hun!!! :) I'm a long-time follower!!
p.s. What an awesome giveaway!!! I am in LOVE with all of the these!!
I follow you on Twitter!!
I just tweeted! :)!/BeachBumandBaby/status/151773668647776256
I follow Silly Girl's blog!
And I follow silly girl on twitter too! :)
I follow infinity line on twitter!
I'm a new follower of In Her Shoe's Blog! (Love it!!!)
And I'm now following In her shoes on twitter too!
I'm also following French Tip Dip on twitter too :) (FUN stuff!!!)
I'm following The Girl with the Blue Bow's blog now :)
And I'm following Blue Bow Girl on twitter too!
I'm following The Alternates on twitter too!
And I'm following Bath Bar on twitter too (their stuff looks ahhh-mazing! I want to go there NOW!!) :)
I follow your blog!!
I also follow you on twitter (jmomiller)
4 congrats!
of course i follow you on twitter as well!
Happy 4th Bloggy Birthday and here is to many, many more! I'm so thankful for the REAL friendship we have formed through our blogs even if we live 3,000 miles away ;)
Count me in for this and you know I'm a follower!
I am already a fan on Facebook!
We're tweeps!
i'm a follower!
awesome giveaway :)
I follow your blog!
Following you on twitter!
I like ya on facebook!
Following sillygrrl blog!
Following sillygrrl on twitter!
Following in HER shoes blog!
Following in HER shoes on twitter!
congrats!!! wish you many more years of bloggin!!!
I just tweeted about this giveaway!
Damnnnn, I picked the right time to come back from a blogging hiatus! This giveaway is absolute perfection - everything your lovely sponsors are offering is incredible :)
I follow your blog (obvi), follow you on Twitter (double obvi), and tweeted this giveaway.
My fingers are crossed so tight for this one - and congrats on four years of blogging, my gorgeous friend. I'm so, so happy we've connected through our blogs - you are such a wonderful person and I'm lucky to know you!
I'm a follower
I like you on FB
I follow on Twitter
I'm a follower! Congrats on your 4 years!!
I like JTG on FB!
I follow JTG on twitter :) I'm @TieDyeTequila
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I follow SillyGrrl's blog
I follow sillygrrl on Twitter!
I follow infinityline on Twitter!
I follow In HER Shoes!
Following in HER shoes on twitter!
I'm following French Tip Dip on twitter
I'm following Blue Bow Girl on twitter
Following @Bluebowgrl on twitter!
Following the alternates on twitter!
Following bath bar on twitter!!
wow.... nice prizes. congrats on the 4 year anniversary.
Happy Blogaversery!! I'm so happy for you! And what an awesome giveaway! :)I'm a follower of course!
I follow you on Twitter!
I'm following Silly Grrl's blog.
I'm following Sillygrrl on Twitter too!
I follow gfc
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
1 like you on fb
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
2 like you on fb
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
1 follow you on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
2. follow you on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow silly girls blog
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow silly girl on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow infinityline on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow in her shoes blog
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow in her shoes on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow french tip dip on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow girl with blue bows blog
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow blue bow girl on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow alternates on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
follow bathbar on twitter
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
first off, congratulations on your 4th anniversary! that is amazing!!! :D i wish you many more years of blogging! :)
i am very happy to be a follower of your blog. :D
<3, Mimi
i also follow you on twitter. :D
<3, Mimi
i tweeted about it. :D!/WhatMimiWrites/status/152313721178427393
<3, Mimi
This is an amazing giveaway! Congrats on your blog anniversary! I'm a follower, of course!
I like your page on Facebook! (@Jennifer B)
I already follow you on twitter! (@jlobug)
Hi! I've been following you on google (mandatory) already!! :) Congrats on the blogversary!
I already liked Join the Gossip on Facebook :)
I follow you @jointhegossip on twitter already!
I'm a GFC follower!
I follow you on the twitter!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Of course I follow your blog!
I also follow you on Twitter.
I follow the blog of in her shoes.
and of course I follow in her shoes on Twitter.
And after all my entries, I forgot to say...
CONGRATS on four years of blogging. You and I are both the same with four years of blogging under our belt. I am glad we met virtually and I can't wait for the day we get to meet in person.
I like you on fb
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
2. I like you on fb
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
1 I follow on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
2 I follow on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow SG blog
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow SG on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow infinityline on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow In her shoes blog
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow in her shoes on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow french tip dip on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow girl with blue bow blog
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow blue bow girl on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow alternates on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
follow bathbar on twitter
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
Holy Moly girl! Four years! THat is amazing right there.
And of course I want to be entered in :)
I follow you on the blog...
....and on twitter!
Can't wait to see the winner :)
Happy Blogversary!! :)
I follow ur blog via gfc as Sadi
I follow u on twitter @Sad20ful
I have Liked Join the Gossip on Facebook as Sadia Latif
I Follow @FrenchTipDip on twitter as Sad20ful
I tweeted here :!/Sad20ful/status/153391411499237376
email :
OMG I've been browsing blog template ideas and WOULD LOVE to have someone help me out!!! You know I follow you on Twitter and Facebook :)
I follow you on Facebook through my blog!
I follow your blog!
I'm already following! Yay! :) Love it!
I "liked" you on Facebook. :)
Facebook Post number 2!
I followed you on Twitter! @mysocalledchaos
Twitter second entry! @mysocalledchaos
Followed Silly Girl's blog! How cute it is!
Followed Silly Girl on Twitter! @mysocalledchaos
Followed @infinityline on Twitter. @mysocalledchaos
Followed In Her Shoes blog. :)
Sent a follow request to In Her Shoes on Twitter. @mysocalledchaos
Followed FrenchTip Dip on Twitter. @mysocalledchaos
I followed the girl with the blue bow! Cute!
Followed @BlueBowGirl on Twitter. @mysocalledchaos
Followed @TheAlternates on Twitter.
Followed Bath Bar on Twitter. @mysocalledchaos
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