Today I need a post with happy pictures because this week is already off to a rough start. My work office moved and while I love the location (we're now on Hollywood Blvd.) I hate my seat. I've been at my company for three years and longer than anyone else in my department, yet I now have THE WORST seat in the office.I should have a window seat but I don't. And what's worse? EVERYONE can see my screen. That means it's gonna be a whole lot harder to blog at work :(
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Picture Perfect
Today I need a post with happy pictures because this week is already off to a rough start. My work office moved and while I love the location (we're now on Hollywood Blvd.) I hate my seat. I've been at my company for three years and longer than anyone else in my department, yet I now have THE WORST seat in the office.I should have a window seat but I don't. And what's worse? EVERYONE can see my screen. That means it's gonna be a whole lot harder to blog at work :(
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Man Candy Monday: Adam Brody
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Thursday, January 26, 2012
{Blog Swap - Wear that Room}
Happy Friday everyone! It's Lindsay from {lastyearoftwentysomething} and I'm so excited to share my Friday's Fancies with you! I have been dying over everything black and gold on {pinterest} recently...This includes decor and fashion...So, what better way to express my love for the color combo then to do a "Wear that Space" post?!
If you like what you see, hop on over to my blog {lastyearoftwentysomething} for more fashion, home decor and event planning fun!
A big thanks to Leeann from Join the Gossip for letting me guest post today!
From Beautiful Ben to Beegee Brother

The above picture is how I'm sure we'd all like to think of our main man. Not so much as of late. Despite my love for Ben, I gotta say that I cannot get on board with his new 'do. I get that it's for a movie. It's just hair and it'll (hopefully) be tamer soon enough. But in the meantime, it's killin' his looks. Am I right?

On a side note, tomorrow i am exchanging blogs with Lindsay from Last Year of Twenty Something...! Be sure to stop by and check out her post and visit her blog to see mine.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Mid-Week Inspiration
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
It's Wednesday. We're halfway there. What the hell though, this week has been rough. I feel like it's been a week of a million Mondays. At work we're launching a new site and it's hectic. So I needed some happy pictures to make me smile. I hope they brighten your day also!
Linking up with Christianna of The Girl With the Blue Bow for What the Hell Wednesday and Michelle of The Vintage Apple for Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Time to Make a Decision

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Man Candy Monday: Garrett Hedlund
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Garrett John Hedlund
September 3, 1984
Roseau, Minnesota
Interesting Facts
-Grew up on a farm as a young child.
-Moved to LA right after graduation and within a month was cast in Troy alongside Brad Pitt.
-Was a huge fan of Tim McGraw then played his son in the movie Friday Night Lights.
Notable Roles
Country Strong
Georgia Rule
Four Brothers
Friday Night Lights

I hope this post made your Monday a little happier! Want to pay it forward? We could all use some happiness as a result of looking at ridiculously handsome men! Grab my button, blog about your hottie of the week, and link up!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Outfit Inspiration

Photos courtesy of: Pinterest
Who isn't obsessed with Pinterest? I think we can all admit that we've spent countless hours pinning recipes, home decor, and fashion finds. I have made crafts and meals thanks to some of my pins, but I have yet to replicate an outfit I've found. Have you recreate any Pinterest looks?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Watch It
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Are you into this trend?