Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mid-Week Inspiration

Source: via Leeann on Pinterest

Source: via Leeann on Pinterest

Source: via Leeann on Pinterest

It's Wednesday. We're halfway there. What the hell though, this week has been rough. I feel like it's been a week of a million Mondays. At work we're launching a new site and it's hectic. So I needed some happy pictures to make me smile. I hope they brighten your day also!

Linking up with Christianna of The Girl With the Blue Bow for What the Hell Wednesday and Michelle of The Vintage Apple for Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday!


  1. I LOVE that owl! So cute. I also love the last picture. I hope your week gets better!

  2. Okay, the owl and the puppy are my favs haha, typical. :) Hope this week gets better for you!

  3. Super cute puppy!
    Love the coffee owl!

  4. These are all wonderful pins! I hope that your week goes better from here on out! It has to, right? I think this week has been crap fro everyone though, so you're not alone!

  5. that owl is adorable & i love me some vamps. did you hear this week is a rerun? :/ im sad.


  6. i love that first image, and then i realized it was all coffee. Like it even more!

  7. I want that baby basset hound immediately. PRECIOUS!!!

    I can't complain about this week since we had Monday off for Chinese New Year. However, I drove out to San Quentin for my class Monday night, only to be turned away by the mean guard since my prison ID had expired two days prior. THAT was frustrating. Especially since I couldn't even go in & tell my students what was up, so they probably think I flaked on them. :(

    Even though we had Monday off . . . I'm still ready for Friday. :)

  8. oh my gosh that puppy with the long ears is just so cute! i want to pick him up and squeeze him but not too tightly and give him plenty of kisses!

  9. I saw the basset puppy and started flipping out! sooooo cute! Did you pick a watch or what? I'm seriously dying with anticipation. I have a similar silver watch but its old and from Guess. The tortoise is soooo Michael Kors. Oh man, I might need to get it for myself.

  10. BTW, how annoying is Stefan this season? And how hot is Damon? ;)

  11. owl+coffeebeans= adorable! I love the sparkly lights in the trees too, but I'm a sucker for anything that glitters and sparkles

  12. The coffee bean owl is pretty much the most genius pic, ever.

  13. I LOVE looking at pretty pictures. Thanks for posting these! My week sounds a lot like yours so I definitely needed the "awww's" a lot of these pins gave me :)

  14. The last picture is just wonderful. And the puppy is too cute!

  15. I LOVE the coffee bean owl!
    xo Josie

  16. Aww, love this post! That coffee owl looks fantastic! And I can´t wait to catch up on Vampire Diaries :)

    xx Ivana

    This is the last week to enter my "Perfect nail polish" event on Facebook! Check it out here

    Stop by sometimes :)
    Macarons and Pearls

  17. love that owl pic and the photo of the cute dog! :)


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