Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Blogger Meet-Up Look

This weekend I am going to the SoCal Blogger Meet-Up in beautiful La Jolla, CA (a San Diego suburb)! There are 60 bloggers signed up to attend and I look forward to meeting a bunch of wonderful people. Of course, I'm a bit nervous, too. I mean, 60 people? That's a lot! And 60 bloggers, no less. My outfit has to be on point!

Below is a mock-up of what I'm thinking of wearing. The flats and watch I own, and the other items are all very similar to pieces I have. So essentially this is my ensemble. The event is at 1pm - does the blazer look too stuffy? Keep in mind it'll be a little chilly because we'll be close to the ocean.

What do you think? Do I have your approval? ;)
Blogger Meet-Up Look

Today I'm linking up with {av} of Long Distance Loving for Friday's Fancies...

...and Kori of Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday. Tomorrow Kori is also going to the meet-up! This will be our third time meeting up. I'm also excited to see Heather of ...this and that... and Julie of Smitten Mintons - who I have both met already. AND I finally get to meet Selma of Crazy Little World of Mine, Meg of Henning Love, Magan of A Touch of Class, Michelle of Mish Lovin' Life, and many, many more amazing ladies!


Christianna said...

So many of my favorite SoCal bloggers are going to be there. I wish I could come too! I'll be there in spirit though.

P.S. this look is darling! You could always add a fun light colored scarf too if it's chilly!

Unknown said...

Lovely outfit my dear! I know you'll look fabulous, and have a great time! Wish I were going!


this free bird said...

60 peeps is a lot, but no worries. You're gonna look fab and have a great time! Buzz me on your way back if you need a lit-tle cocktail whilst spinning by HB.

Tammy @ Lemons, Avocados and the Bay said...

Ahhh! I'm so so so sooo excited, and by the way we're at 65 people now... and there's a wait list =P

Oh btw the meetup starts at 1pm, not 2pm! :)

and I pretty much love your outfit, that shirt is so so cute.

Can't wait to meet you

Kelsey Cunningham said...

that outfit is perfect for saturday! so glad you are coming & can't wait to meet you! we are all going to have so much fun. so many exciting things planned!


Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

Oh man! I am SOOO JEALOUS!! I wish I were meeting up for the SoCal blogger fun!! Have a wonderful time!

Love this classic look! Love blazers paired with jeans!!

Happy Weekend!

happy hour 24/7 said...

i like the blazer but maybe if it was a lighter color only because you're going to the beach. like a khaki or sand color so that the red top pops out. but then again, i'm not a fashion guru so i could really be saying the opposite thing. nonetheless, they are great pieces and wear whatever makes you feel good!

Val Fox said...

I want this outfit too! You definitely have my approval! Wear it all and have fun!

Rachel said...

ill be at the meet up and i think your outfit is perfect!!

Josie said...

I love it -- I think you're going to look GREAT!
xo Josie

Rachael said...

I'm so glad you went with the tortoise-shell watch! It's so awesome! The outfit looks great - but I agree with PP: the blazer may be a little dark, and too close to the color of the skinny jeans. Maybe go with either black or a lighter color? Other than that it looks great!

Have fun! I'm super jealous! =)

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

I'm super jealous that you're going to the meet-up, it looks like it's going to be a blast and there are a ton of awesome bloggers going! I love the outfit you picked out, I think it's perfect for the occassion! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous... perfect outfit and you'll be comfy too. I don't think the blazer is stuffy at all. I wish I were going, it sounds like fun and I always wanted to see La Jolla!! xo

Unknown said...

So so pretty! Loving that red tank!It makes the whole outfit pop!

Have a great weekend girl :)


Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling said...

Love the ensamble! I don't think the blazer is too stuffy if you wear it open. Happy Friday!

Leesh said...

I approve!

60 bloggers? Wow! Have a great time.

Shabbychicdiva said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. Love the red tank top and blue shirt! Have a great weekend. ♥Winona

Ashley {styleash} said...

Those ballet flats are perfect! And I really do love that blazer! Have fun! xx

Lindsay [rookie's nest] said...

Sounds like so much fun, wish I could come! AND you have my outfit approval :) very chic and stylish, yet simple. Have a great time! x

Lauren said...

So, Hollie was saying she didn't know what to wear for the meet-up and I told her "I think everyone will probably be wearing skinny jeans with flats, a blazer, and possibly a scarf" hahaha. I mean, how could you NOT wear that when Pinterest is chock-full of adorable outfits in various colors that are exactly that! Obviously loving this outfit you put together :)

birdie to be said...

Love the flats! Happy Friday

Because Shanna Said So said...

You will look fab...perfect choices. I wish we had a good network of bloggers here in Austin. You ladies have fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog. New follower, here! Cheers!
Because Shanna Said So Giveaway

ashlyn | nicole said...

love that red top -- so flowy!!

Happy weekend
xoxo Ashlyn

Mish Lovin' Life said...

Super cute! :)

I have no idea what I'm going to wear!!!! :/

Raquel said...

Love the outfit, it's so cute and perfect for a blogger meet up! Not too fancy and not too casual :)

Have SO much fun at the meet up!!

Unknown said...

Cute outfit! Enjoy the meet up!

love jenny xoxo said...

love the look and I wish there was something like that going on in Minneapolis, sounds really fun!


Kirsten Harr said...

LOVE that outfit! So cute. Have fun at the meet up!!

Nicole Rene said...

Wow I'm jealous! That sounds like a lot of fun! I really want to meet some bloggers in Savannah! It's weird how I feel like I'm getting to know all these people online but not in real life. Lol, but anyway this outfit is soo adorable! You'll look fabulous! I'd want to meet you haha!!!

Have a great time!! :)

Julie (Little Pink Rain Boots) said...

Great look! Have fun at your meet up :)

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love this outfit!!!

Stop by sometime and check out my latest post. I'd love to hear what you think!


Nicole Feliciano said...

You have my approval--can't go wrong with a blazer. Can't wait to get to the NYC fashion events next week! I found you from the Friday Fashion mingle. You can check out the dress I styled here:

Have a great weekend!

henning love said...

love that outfit leeann!! cant wait for tomorrow!!!

CALLIE said...

The outfit is perfect!! Yall have so much fun!

Claire Kiefer said...

Awwww, it's gonna be so fun! You're gonna look adorable in your outfit, and I demand a picture of the actual look ON YOU! I love those chunky gold chains . . . only problem is I can't afford real ones (duh), and I find that every time I buy a piece of cheap gold jewelry from F21, H&M, etc. it tarnishes within a few weeks. :(

You mentioned getting some silk tops/tanks recently--I'm on the hunt for some, too! I need to do a Leeann inspired shopping trip soon. :)


Hannah said...

I think the outfit is super cute! If you were to add anything, it could be a necklace or scarf, like someone else said. I love the tank.

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

i approve. this sounds fun but I would also be nervous. Blogging seems so much bigger in SoCal

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Approved!!! Now I really need to find my outfit... lol

Clare C. Whitaker said...

Great top, I love the berry color up against the navy. The "arm candy" is fabulous too!! Hope you have a wonderful week and Happy Friday!!
Twirling Clare

Kate @ Daffodils said...

So jealous of the meet up! If only I were a few hours closer. Have fun! Take lots of pictures!

jessica said...

You are gonna have SO much fun!! I'm so jealous of all you ladies who have lots of bloggers in your area! :p I think you're gonna rock that outfit, post pics after!

his little lady said...

i love that tortious watch. too perfect! and it goes with every outfit.
xo TJ

C said...

I love the outfit! Have fun!!!

Megan, said...

i love this, i'd so wear this!

Angela said...

oh my gosh, that sounds fun. i go down to la jolla quite often. : )

ali v. said...

you'll look positively beautiful! this outfit would be perfect for a meet-up :) I'm so sad I live on the other coast! have fun, lady! much love! xoxo {av}

Lindsay said...

Very stylish and chic outfit! Love every bit of it. I'm a new follower from the Fashion Friday blog hop. :)

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

I'm so excited that you are going to a big blogger meet-up...and I'm soo jealous!!! I would love to do that some day. There are NO bloggers in my area. :( Boo.

LOVE this look...and I saw some of you pics on look beautiful!!

natasha {schue love} said...

I would wear this outfit in a heartbeat!

carrie {steinbeck says} said...

Cute outfit! I am sure it was a great event!