Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mmm Breakfast

Only a few more days left in the work week. Let's take a second to pause and celebrate! OK now that we've gotten that out of our systems, let's jump right into What the Hell Wednesday and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday. My theme this week is breakfast and the fact that I need to take the time to actually eat and enjoy it on a regular basis. I mean, with all of the amazingly tasty options, why am I not waking up a few extra minutes early to indulge?!

Source: via Leeann on Pinterest


Lyndsay said...

The doughnuts in light blue are so cute!

Jess said...

Haha I love the idea of What the Hell Wednesday! And I'm already a sucker for breakfast but that first photo is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely hungry again! YUM!!!


Lauren said...

All this food is making my fruit smoothie seem totally inadequate.

Mish Lovin' Life said...

I love those doughnuts!!! And I'm not even a huge doughnut fan :)

Or is it: Donut... ?

Christianna said...

I don't really nom on breakfast either. Those pictures all look so yummy! Thanks for linking up!

jessica said...

Mmm I could so go for those crepes and doughnuts right now! Breakfast is my FAVORITE! :)

Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said...

Aww, mini donuts! How cute!

I've been meaning to try to make donuts at home...

Gareen said...

I loooove breakfast! This post is making me drool...

La Petite Gigi

Josie said...

Breakfast is my FAVORITE. And it got skipped this morning. And now I'm seeing this. Death.
xo Josie

Simplyheather said...

Yummy treats much? Breakfast really is the best meal of the day!

C said...

Yum! I love breakfast! You should have it for dinner!

CALLIE said...

I'm so bad a breakfast.. I never eat it. It just makes me feel full and blah the rest of the day..

Miss Angie said...

Lovely pins.

Sarah said...

Im going to need whatever that nutella bread is immediately!

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

one of my favorite things about breakfast is peanut butter! haha.

but jack n jills in beverly hills has amazing chocolate chip pancakes!!

henning love said...

now im hungry for breakfast! or i'm just hungry it is 3:30pm.. afternoon lull here it comes!

Val said...

Oh my goodness - My sweet tooth just ran into over-drive, YUM

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I am hungry now...a good breakfast is always a great start into any day!

Janie said...

Ohh yummy!