Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Break Season

CA Spring Break

I have to admit, I miss the college days. Sleeping in, fraternity parties, Greek Week (go Delta Zeta!), and spring break! A week of doing whatever I wanted. Being a Southern California girl, the beaches are plentiful and close by. If I were still in school I'd be hang out by the ocean and relaxing. Doesn't that sound perfect? I could definitely go for that right now. Why exactly don't we get a spring break from work?

Whether you get to enjoy spring break or not, I have something to make yours a little brighter - a giveaway from The Altered Chain! Earlier this week I blogged about the greatness that is this affordable jewelry shop and many of you expressed your love for the Gold Branch Ring. Now one lucky reader will be the proud owner of this beautiful piece!

Here are the five possible ways you can enter:

1. Follow Join the Gossip on GFC or via Linky Tools. (*Mandatory* +1)
2.Visit The Altered Chain and tell me your favorite piece! (+1)
3. Like Join the Gossip on Facebook. (+1)
4. Like The Altered Chain on Facebook. (+1)
5. Follow The Little Brunette Mermaid, The Altered Chain's creator's blog. (+1)

One winner will be selected and announced on Thursday, March 15. Good luck!

CONTEST CLOSED! The winner is Alyson of The Average Girl's Guide. Congrats, girl!


Unknown said...

Perfect outfit! I LOVE the fedora especially! Hurry up Summer !

Unknown said...

Such a cute look! I love those Ray Bans :)

Ashlyn | Let It Be Beautiful said...

great outfit girl! love those sunnies.

xx :: ashlyn
let it be beautiful

{kayleigh nikolai} said...

I am jealous of how you have the option of going to the beach...It's a little far for me, lol.

Silly Wisconsin. So far from oceans.

Eliza :: Case Study said...

I like that we each chose a fedora! : ) xoxo! eliza

Anonymous said...

Cute outfit! Love the Cali love T!

Christianna said...

Ok, great outfit!

I follow you and I WANT that ring!

Christianna said...

That ring is my favorite piece!

Christianna said...

I like you on FB

Christianna said...

The AC on FB

Christianna said...

Followed The Little Brunette Mermaid! I love her blog name!

Unknown said...

I am following you!

That outfit is just perfect. I'm from SoCal originally but I'm living in central germany (no ocean!) and everything about this outfit is making me miss home!!!!!!!

<3 Daryl
Roots, Wings, and Other Things.

Samantha Green said...

ahh that top is very cute! i can definitely see my californian boy approving :) xx

Rachael said...

ooooo yay! I'm so excited! I already follow you on GFC!

Rachael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachael said...

And my favorite item is the branch ring you're giving away! Oh man I love it!

Rachael said...

I like Join the Gossip on Facebook

Rachael said...

I like the Altered Chain on facebook

Rachael said...

Now following the little brunette mermaid!

Gosh I hope I win! This would be so awesome!

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

if i only grew up in SoCal...

ill be saying hello to the west coast in a few hours :D

Anonymous said...

Love the outfits you picked and the ring is awesome! Already a follower! xoxo A-

Anonymous said...

Liked Join the Gossip on FB! xoxo A-

Anonymous said...

Love the 'Emerald Glass Drops' earrings. xoxo A-

Anonymous said...

Liked The Altered Chain on FB! xoxo A-

Anonymous said...

Following the Little Brunette Mermaid blog! xoxo A-

Jessica Nicole said...

Ohh looove that ring! I follow you via GFC! :)

Jessica Nicole said...

I like the turquoise necklace on the site- the very last peice.. so beautiful and great for spring!

Lindsey said...

Love the Spring Break look! I am an active DZ and was so excited to see that you're a DZ, too!! DZLAM! And Happy Friday! :)

Unknown said...

That ring is adorable! I follow your blog.

Lindsay [rookie's nest] said...

LOVE LOVE itttttt - you always come up with great outfits!

Jess said...

Oh, what a fabulous post! I love that striped bikini top, it's perfect for spring break! And I love that ring giveaway! I follow on GFC of course! Hope you have a great weekend!

Clare said...

Cute outfit!! I am definitely a follower!

Clare said...

I love the Aqua and Gold Glass Bracelet

Clare said...

I Like Join the Gossip on Facebook!

Clare said...

I follow The Little Brunette Mermaid!

wfayew said...

I'm obsessed with that ring! I'll be pining over it at work all week while all the college kids are on the beach.

Brianna said...

I follow you on GFC!!

Brianna said...

My faaaavorite piece is the gold bar bracelet (:

Brianna said...

Liked you on facebook!

Brianna said...

I liked the Altered Chain on facebook too!

Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling said...

Love the outfit! I used a similar hat in my post! And I love that ring! I followed you on FB!! :)

Secondhand Stella said...

Love the bag you chose for your Spring Break outfit. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love your springy set and LOVE that ring!! I'm a follower :)

Anonymous said...

My next favorite piece has got to be the Dancing Pearl Necklace!

Anonymous said...

Like JTG on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

And like The Altered Chain on Facebook! :)

Stesha said...

that ring is so beautiful! and I am just loving that blue and white striped bikini!


Josie said...

That ring is SO cute! I follow you on GFC!
xo Josie

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

I love your laid back Cali Spring Break outfit!

We follow GFC. I love so much of what I see on The Altered Chain, but I have to say that I'm especially loving the Lunar Gold Necklace!

Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

Mish Lovin' Life said...

I'm following! :)

Mish Lovin' Life said...

I "like" you on FB!

Mish Lovin' Life said...

I really like the emerald glass drop earrings!

Mish Lovin' Life said...

I liked them on FB!

Unknown said...

that's such a pretty little ring! love it & would be proud to wear it!

Have a great weekend :)

{PS- tagged you in a post!}

Megan said...

Cute tank top! I was actually a NorCal girl, once upon a time. :)

And I would love to win that adorable ring! I'm going to like Join the Gossip and The Altered Chain on Facebook from my blog's account, and I already follow you on GFC! Also, I think that ring you picked is my favorite piece, but the Gold Leap Drops earrings are pretty cool, too!

Happy Friday.

Susan said...

such sweet choices! love the hat.
I'm now following you via GFC, i swore i already was!

Ginny said...

Love the Fedora!

Hopping over from Kori's blog hop today! Hope you have a great weekend.

Claire Kiefer said...

I follow you of course and I loooooooove this ring! It's the perfect blend of bling & delicateness. SO CUTE!

Claire Kiefer said...

I like JTG on facebook :)

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Yes for a fabulous giveaway! So yes, I follow your lovely blog!!! :D

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

My favorite piece by The Altered Chain is the Big Branch Necklace in silver (besides the ring of course!)!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I like JtG on Facebook! ;)

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I also follow The Little Brunette Mermaid. :D

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

And I like The Altered Chain on Facebook, too. :D

C said...

Perfect outfit. I wish I lived close to a (warm) beach! Ours are all mud and rocks. Oooh, that’s the ring I love! I follow!

C said...

I like Join the Gossip Facebook.

CALLIE said...

I "like" Join the Gossip on fb!

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Following and isn't that just the sweetest little ring??? Off to check out the rest of their goodies!

Unknown said...

I love the laid back look of this outfit! It definitely makes me wish I was at the beach :)

I also participated in Friday's Fancies and would love it if you would stop by my blog. I'm also following you through GFC! Hope you have a GREAT weekend!!

xoxo, morgan @ xoxo, me

Megan @ Lovely Happenings said...

I want to wear that on my imaginary spring break.

Raquel said...

Love that bathing suit, so cute!!

Omg that ring is SO pretty! Love it.
I follow your blog :)

happy hour 24/7 said...

OMG, i love that ensemble. where can i get that cali love tank top?

happy hour 24/7 said...

OMG, i love that ensemble. where can i get that cali love tank top?

happy hour 24/7 said...

OMG, i love that ensemble. where can i get that cali love tank top?

happy hour 24/7 said...

OMG, i love that ensemble. where can i get that cali love tank top?

Julie (Little Pink Rain Boots) said...

Great outfit, perfect for sightseeing or hanging out on the beach. I follow via GFC.

Mae B said...

oh yes...I miss college too! I gotta get one of those hats! enjoy your weekend love

Francesca said...

I dont want to enter but it's sooo pretty!

Jamie said...

Love the ring!

Mimi said...

i am loving the outfit! it's definitely very california spring break! :)

and that ring is just so delicate and so pretty! i would love love love to join this giveaway, thankfully i am a follower via gfc! :D

<3, Mimi

Mimi said...

there are so many pretty items to choose from! but i think i'm gonna have to go with the dancing pearl necklace. :)

<3, Mimi

Mimi said...

i also follow the little brunette mermaid! :D

<3, Mimi

Sierra said...

Just came by to say hi - but what a fun giveaway you are having! Of course I follow and also liked your page.

Hope you have a great weekend girl!

Anonymous said...

that ring is to die for!! please come check out our new online jewelry shop where everything is under $20!
Too Much xx... I think you'd like our stuff ;)

Nicole Rene said...

I miss college days too :( So so so much. And I wish work got a spring break too. It'd be such a nice way to refresh!!! I love the outfit you put together! Such a cute hat too! I need me one of them!

Nicole Rene

Leesh said...

I follow Join the Gossip on GFC.

Leesh said...

My favorite piece from the shop is the gold leaf necklace.

Alyson said...

Ahh, wish I could spring break! :)
i follow you via GFC, Twitter and Facebook!

Val Fox said...

Fedora! I really want one! :) Oh and of course I follow you! That ring is LOVELY!!

Val Fox said...

My fave piece is the Gold Atom Earrings! I want to buy them!

Val Fox said...

I liked The Altered Chain on FB!

Redheaded Daybook said...

i def NEED this whole fit. looks cali summer friendly. only issue being, i look TERRIBLE in hats :( wish i could pull them off.
but def LOVE the whole fit :)

taylo292 said...

I follow you!

taylo292 said...

My favorite piece is the gold vintage bracelet!

taylo292 said...

I liked you on Facebook!

taylo292 said...

I liked the Altered Chain on Facebook!

taylo292 said...

I also follow The Little Brunette Mermaid's blog!