Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Orleans: Recap 2

On the second day of our New Orleans trip we started off with a reading at Bottom of the Cup Tea Room. It's a place that's been offering psychic readings for over 80 years...unfortunately mine was totally bogus. Every single thing she said was the opposite from my life. $32 wasted in 10 minutes :(

After walking around and taking the French Quarter in, we were off on another cemetery tour. This time it was the St. Louis Cemetary #1 - a Catholic cemetery and the oldest in New Orleans. The tour was provided by French Quarter Phantoms and started with some history about the Quarter then continued onto the cemetery. Known for housing the tomb of Nicholas Cage (yup, that's where he wants to rest in peace) and Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau the tour was quite popular. The downside to that was not being able to catch up before the guide would talk about certain area/tombs. I wished he'd have made sure all of his guests could see and hear.

Nicholas Cage's tomb

Marie Laveau's tomb

While I enjoyed this tour, I liked the Layfayette Cemetery #1 hosted by Haunted History tours better.

Later that night we went on a drinking tour, but I'll skip that for now because it'll be it's own post.

Instead I'll skip to JazzFest day. A total bummer! We were there to see Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers and Cee Lo. It was SO packed that we got to listen to a few songs from Cee Lo before heading over to Tom Petty's stage (an hour early). By the time we got there it was too crowded to even move, so we literally sat in a ditch where we couldn't see and could barely hear. After an hour of them playing we made the decision to leave. With the amount of people there we knew getting a cab was going to be painful. Since we left early we only had to wait in the cab queue for about 45 minutes. Such a disappointment.

Check back tomorrow for my swamp/plantation tour recap!


CALLIE said...

So sad your trip didn't turn out as planned! But I sure am learning all kinds of fun stuff to do while I'm there. As many times as I've been, I don't think I've made it much further that Bourbon Street baha!

Anonymous said...

Still looks like a wonderful time!!! xoxo A-

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Oh man, that stinks!! Can't wait to hear more about the drinking tour!!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

Amanda Raborn said...

Welcome to my town, sister! So sorry it was a bummer. Jazz fest is quite an art if you want to make it enjoyable :/ and usually that's by going on a week day! Hope your swamp tour went better!

It's an Easy Life

C said...

Bummer about the bogus reading. I’ve always wanted to do one but I’m such a skeptic, I already know it’ll all be wrong. Nicholas Cage is a freak. Hahaha. What a bummer about JazzFest! You think they’d be more organized! Jacob and I are talking about going next spring. (Why am I copying your vacations? Hahah!) The cemetery tours sound awesome.

Annemarie said...

That's a total bummer about Tom Petty! I think I would have made the decision to leave though as well- too many people like that make it hard to enjoy. But your trip looks like it was a lot of fun! I've always wanted to do the psychic thing but totally skeptical after hearing experiences like yours!

PS. Love your summer hat! xo

Christianna said...

That totally sucks about the fest! It's just one of those things I guess? But missing out on good music when it's right in front of you totally sucks...

Because Shanna Said So said...

Awe, that stinks about Jazz Fest. I have always wanted to go, but sounds like I should skip it. Can't wait to hear about the drinking tour!! ;)

Claudia said...

I had been wondering about this... so John Mayer was a no show? I think he's unable to perform lately

Julie (Little Pink Rain Boots) said...

Great pictures, New Orleans looks amazing. Sorry to hear that Jazzfest was a disappointment :(

I hope you're having a good week!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Haunted history tours? I'd be going in a second. Love it. Every time you post about New Orleans I really feel like I need to go too...and that soon. :)

happy hour 24/7 said...

i love tom petty! i will say it again, all these photos make me reminisce my own trip to NOLA. i love that city, the history, its resilience, food, people, drinks - i love all of it! so glad you had a great time!

Alexa said...

Oh I love your photos. New Orleans is on my shortlist of places to visit!

Josie said...

JazzFest sounds like a serious blast!
xo Josie

Ann said...

That sounds like a fun way to spend the day. And interesting cemeteries you've toured.