Sunday, July 1, 2012

Concert + Wine Tasting

This weekend was pretty darn epic! I spent some quality time with two ladies I have been friends with since jr. high. The fact that our friendships are still alive after all of these years is pretty impressive.

To kick off the weekend I received an amazing package from my Weekend Update co-host, Dana. She's the BEST! She sent me a "Keep Calm and Drink On" book and sticky tabs to take note of my favorite drinking quotes.

How sweet is that?! It totally set the tone for a great weekend.

Let's start with Friday night. Tiffany, who you may recognize as the wonderful woman behind Polka Dotted Cats, and I had a 90s reunion - the Summerland Tour. Sugar Rey, Everclear, Gin Blossoms, Lit, and Marcy Playground all in one night at The Greek Theater here in LA. It was a bit cheesy at times but it was fun and I'm really glad we went!

Then on Saturday, our friend Kathrin joined us for a surprise birthday gift to her - a trip to Agua Dulce Winery near Santa Clarita for some tasting and lunch. Before we headed to the winery we stopped at Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip for breakfast. I guess it's customary to give out HUGE orders of cotton candy to guests so we had fun playing with the sugary goodness.

Finally we headed out to Agua Dulce where we did a wine cellar/tasting tour. It was really cool! As we talked about the wine making process we were given 4 tastes along the way. Then we were able to sample the wines again before deciding which one we wanted to enjoy with our lunch (which they provided).

Lunch was a sandwich, potato salad, and cookie and we were really impressed. It was pretty good! After completing our meal we did another tasting for free then decided to check out the animals on the property. I fell in love with an adorable mini horse, baby goat, and ram, all of which let me pet them for several minutes. I wish I'd gotten pictures with them but I didn't :(

If you live in the Southern California area and want to go wine tasting I highly suggest Agua Dulce Winery. Just let them know you want to take advantage of their Groupon deal: $20 a person for a tour, tasting, and lunch. Great value!

What did YOU do this weekend? Join the Weekend Update blog hop hosted by me and my lovely friends Dana of five30three and Sami of Sami's Shenanigans! Just PLEASE follow these rules: blog about your weekend, link to the specific post, include our button in the post, and add your name to the list below. Pretty easy, right?


Unknown said...

Sounds like so much fun!

Sami said...

What a fun weekend! Did you see the book Dana got me? It's an Insult/Comeback book hahah. $20 for wine and lunch? Sign me up! Love it :)

Darby Hawley said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! A lot better than how I spent my weekend (studying) haha!


Chris said...

Looks like you had a great weekend with great friends! I love surprises in the mail--how fun!

Ann said...

That looks like so much fun ♥

Jessica @ Here(and)Now said...

wow, that weekend is seriously epic! The Summerland Tour concert sounds like it would take me back to my Junior High days!

Stephanie said...

What a fun package and concert!!! I'm sure the songs brought back great memories!

C said...

I should have known you already wrote it! Did those old dudes hold up ok for an entire set? Hahaha! Cotton candy for breakfast? Sounds like my kind of place! I love that you pet all kinds of animals, especially a ram! So sweet!

Josie said...

What a fun weekend! I didn't even know they had wineries in SoCal!
xo Josie

Tiffany said...

Do you miss tiny horse? I bet he misses you too...HAHAHA! Also, were you thinking they are called shetland ponies? I thought of that driving home! Fireflys 4 life!

DSR said...

I am fairly certain that you NEED to buy yourself a tiny horse. How fun would it be to commute around LA on that?

My faith in the USPS has been restored after you received your package so quickly. I'm glad you liked the book and that it kickstarted your weekend off right!

Annie said...

Looks and sounds like such a fun weekend! love that hat on you - so cute :)

The Other Side of Gray

Candice said...

That vineyard looks gorgeous!

Dree said...

It sounds like a wonderful weekend - a wine tasting tour is such a cool way to spend a day! You look gorgeous, as usual.

Alyssa @ Sweet Shangrila said...

That winery looks gorgeous, sounds like so much fun! I love your hat too!

Kate said...

That cotton candy looks super tasty and I am usually not a fan. But those sticky tabs are super fun and I'm sure you'll find lots of ways to use them.

Also, I am still close with my two friends I met when I was about 10 and isn't it awesome to have people who've been in your life for longer than they haven't been? I am always amazed by that and just love that we're all so lucky to still be around for each other!

love jenny xoxo said...

I'm still BFFs with my middle school friends too! It's awesome :) Sounds like you girls had a blast!


Always Maylee said...

Love the package you got, so cute. What a fun weekend!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Unknown said...

well it certainly looks like you had a fun & action packed weekend! Wineries are the best, and I'm jealous that you have an abundance of them out in Cali. And free cotton candy? umm YES PLEASE!

Because Shanna Said So said...

If I lived closer, I would have totally been there with you for that concert! How fun. And what a sweet surprise for your friend, what girl doesn't love a winery!! Glad you ladies had a fun-filled weekend! I love following along on your IG! have a great week!!

Pretty Zesty said...

I haven't been to a wine tasting in a long time. I miss them!


Kathrin said...

Thanks again for a great bday gift!!! it was a preety awesome weekend!!!

Claire Kiefer said...

You look so pretty in those pics! And you know that's my kinda weekend. :) Love how you and Tiff have matching fedoras <3

kim @ a positive peace said...

sounds like a great weekend! Definitely one of my "to-dos" this weekend is go wine tasting with my girlfriends!!

linking up for the first time in this blog hop and super excited! :)

Oh to Be a Muse said...

It is wonderful to have long-time friends! I would have loved to go to this concert--90s music and Marcy Playground for the win! :)

Simone Howell said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend! The hubby and I went to Los Olivos for wine tasting yesterday. You should head up that way! It is soo gorgeous! Firestone Winery has free concerts on Firday nights. The hubbs and I might head up that way later in the summer for an overnight as it is a bit far to drive back home after a a winery :)

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Sounds like a great weekend!! Wine tasting... I want to do that soon!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Allison said...

I went to a winery too! Such a fun summer activity! And I'm loving those cotton candy pictures. Haha.

Megan G. said...

This looks like such a fun weekend! I am pretty jealous that you went to that concert though... sounds like a bunch of awesome bands all together! :) Glad you had such a good weekend!

Amber said...

What a sweet little gift she sent you! I love fun mail :)

Your weekend looks like a blast, and you look adorable in your hat!

Marz said...

I want to click my heels together and be in SoCal RIGHT now!! ;) A cheesy 90's concert is my idea of fun :) Love all the pics, the cotton candy ones are so fun! Looking at the winery pics takes me back to when Claire took us to Napa Valley and we had such an AMAZING time! I felt like I was in Italy! And yay for the incredible Groupon deal! p.s. love that you ladies have been friends since jr. high! SO special!

Allison said...

That winery looks like so much fun!! I've always wanted to go to one!

bananas. said...

i'm still mighty impressed with the ginorm cotton candy. holy cavity goodness!!!

Lindsay said...

That book looks like it would be so funny! Such a great gift idea. :)

Tiffany said...

looks like a lot of fun!!
the blue cotton candy looks so good heheh..
& I love that Schwarzenegger quote ;]

Anonymous said...

Wine tasting is def one of my favorite things!!! Love it! xoxo A-

Ivana said...

Aww, this sounds so amazing! It's been such a long time since I did a wine tasting and I really miss it! Thanks for the inspiration!

xx Ivana
Macarons and Pearls

Miss Angie said...

Looks like a fantastic weekend! Love it!

Rachael {all things beautiful} said...

Aww looks like you had such a fabulous weekend with your girlfriends. Old friendships like that are the absolute best!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Sounds and looks like an amazing weekend, and I so want cotton candy now!!!

Julie (Little Pink Rain Boots) said...

That is an epic weekend! Looks like so much fun. I am dying to go see the Summerland tour, mainly for Sugar Ray- I remember when all the girls were in love with Mark Mcgrath (Okay, maybe a few of us still are haha.)

Janna Renee said...

I LOVE the Gin Blossoms! I have to go see them when they are in town! It looks like you had a fab weekend!