Hi Join the Gossip readers!! I'm Kathrin, or "Kat" as most people call me, and I blog over at
Shop.School.Sleep. Leeann asked for guest posters and I volunteered to share some stories. When Leeann told me I could post today (9/12/12) I told her I had the perfect idea for a post because today is 11 years to the day that we found out we rushed the same sorority.
Leeann and I have been real life friends for...a long time. We went to elementary school, junior high, and high school together. We found out late our senior year that we would also be going to the same college. Our freshman year, we basically had the same schedule and carpooled from our hometown, Chino, to Cal State Fullerton (which is about 20-30 minutes away, depending on traffic). I managed to convince Leeann and another friend of ours to rush sorority, didn't think I would actually succeed in persuading her to do so, but I did!! So not only did we grow up together and go to the same school pretty much our whole lives, but in the end we joined the same sorority, Delta Zeta.
We rushed Fall of 2001. We spent the weekend meeting all the houses on campus and then on the tragic day of Sept. 11, 2001, we were suppose to have our bid day and find out what sorority we got into. Of course things were postponed and the next day we were told which sorority we joined and had a mini "bid day". A week later we had our official bid day.
our bid |
I was a little more "active" from the start. Always held positions, helped with the different activities,
partied was social, etc. I basically lived at the house a good part of the week. Even though we had the same school schedule and attended sorority meetings together, Leeann was with her high school boyfriend and was not very active during our first year. Slowly but surely I dragged her to more
parties, social events and sisterhood outings. We lasted all 4 years (actually we both went 5th year alums because we needed to focus on school) and they were great!!
Our official bid day, a week later |
Out of order, but us 2 years after we joined...at a meeting or something |
1st spring formal. The theme was red, white and blue, but I really wanted tot wear this dress!! |
I dragged her to Spring Break San Felipe, Mexico |
Our "gangster" sign....upside down v... a bad joke with a fraternity boy |
Roomies!! |
The girl on the left and I were "loft girls" because we lived in the upstairs loft and
Leeann lived downstairs in one of the rooms, but she was always up in the loft with us.
We made her an honorary loft girl :) |
Our Fall Pack the DZ house "social event" |
Down in Leeann's room getting ready...she had a floor length mirror, one of the best places to get ready |
I have no clue what she was doing hahaha |
On our way to San Diego for a fraternity party and we get a flat tire...and it was raining..
.and I was wearing the shortest skirt ever |
A spring formal with our dates, all Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity boys...see any one familiar?
Yep, Leeann's best bud Anthony!! |
At our "DZ Crush Party". This was before the days of digital camera
(pretty sure this was taken on a disposable) my eyes were closed :( |
Our last bid day |
Leeann, Anthony and me at our last Fall Formal
Another Spring Formal |
L: My 21st bday at TGIFriday's
R: Leeann's 21st a month later, in Vegas |
Our 2nd spring formal...we wore the same color dress
So there you have it our sorority days in pictures. There are TONS more, but didn't feel like scanning 50 pictures. These are the gist of our college experience...formals, parties,spring break and living at the sorority house....ah can we go back?
Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me :)
It seems like all this things were just yesterday, not a decade ago. Wow, writing that made me feel old. Love you girls.
Isn't it so much fun to go back and look at pictures like this!? It looks like you two definitely made the most of your college days and had a blast!
Love this post!! Oh the college years...:-)
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
Bitches, I feel so left out. Why didn't I go to college with you? I had the most boring college experience. I feel like I would've been so much tanner and drunker.
I love looking back at old pics. Yours are so great.
Awe, melt my heart! You know I LOVED this post! Go DZ!!!! Sisters for life!!! Love you both!
Sooo cute, you guys! I think I've been inspired to break out the scanner. Too bad my friends don't blog. Haha.
Go DZ!! Love this post!!!
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