Thursday, September 27, 2012

Outfit Crush: Gwen Stefani

If there were one woman I had to chose as my favorite style icon over the last two decades, and for many more years to come, it'd be Gwen Stefani. I don't always love what she wears on a day-to-day basis, but it always makes me take a second look. She pushes the limits. And her stage outfits are always spot on. The signature plaid pants and the ska influences - I wish the normal person (me!) could rock that look on the regular.

I feel like her outfit below, which she wore to an airport Labor Day weekend of this year, is a mix of ska and British rock and Truly. I would wear this in a heartbeat.

In an attempt to recreate her look, I came up with this outfit. If only I could find that amazing blazer!

Gwen Stefani Style

On a side note, I've been listening to No Doubt's new album Push and Shove on repeat but am not diggin' it. There are a few catchy songs but overall it's not the No Doubt I love and remember. Anyone else have any thoughts on the new release?

For more outfit crushes, visit Long Distance Loving for Friday's Fancies and get in on the action!

And I hope you'll stop by on Monday for Weekend Update. If you haven't yet joined the blog hop, it's a great way to make new friends!

Photo collage created by me, photo credits from: Just Jared


  1. I've always loved her style.
    Especially her red lips.

  2. Ah Gwen is just so cool....I would love to pull off an outfit like this!

  3. I seriously love her. Her face... flawless!!! That sounded kind of creepy but she is just beautiful!

  4. I love that! Too cool, and very British and rock n roll.

  5. Great jacket!

    xo, Emily

  6. Gwen has her own style of cool, great look! I'm hosting a Bloomingdale's Gift Card giveaway that ends in 2 days, if you are interested please stop over! Enjoy the weekend! Angie

  7. Yes! Yes! Yes! I heart Gwen Stefani forever as well :) I need to start a catalogue of her outfits for me to copy hehe

  8. Great look! Especially love the houndstooth blazer with the cinched waist!


  9. I love her and her crazy style. I really think that outfit is great though. I wish I could pull of hats! And I feel the same way about the new cd. I hope it grows on me!!

    I hope you're feeling better!

  10. Gwen definitely has great style, love her!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  11. i love the pieces you chose to recreate her look! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Too Much Soul Giveaway
    LensVillage Giveaway

  12. She's great and so is that outfit! Love it!

  13. I agree, Gwen is great and always relevant. She looked fab in the '90s and still does! Greeting from Atlanta. ;-)

  14. She's got great taste and I really love what you put together...looks actually better than in real life. ;)

    Happy Friday, and happy almost October! :)

  15. She is soooo fabulous! Love it!

    xoxo, Nicole Rene
    Simply Savannah

  16. This outfit is amazing! I just love Gwen's style, she never fails to do it right! Great post, girl! :)
    CoverGirl + Converse

  17. She has such great style!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

    I have a giveaway right now for a great statement necklace, hope you will stop by!

  18. I'm a SUCKER for houndstooth, especially in the fall. Have a fun weekend!
    xo Josie

  19. i love gwen- she's always so gorgeous and unique! New follower, can't wait to catch up on your posts :)

  20. I'm excited about her new album too, just heard about it on E! and I love her style and how she always looks so timeless, she doesn't age. heheh


  21. Hounds-tooth is so romantic to me! I have a peacoat like that and I LOVE it.

  22. She always looks amazing!! I love the jacket you've picked and those shoes are rad!
    I would love for you to visit my blog sometime and I also have a giveaway going on right now-open internationally!
    A's Fashion Files
    Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)