Monday, September 24, 2012

Root Canal Hell

Sorry in advance for not having anything exciting to blog about today. AND sorry for not returning comments and visiting blogs regularly. Unfortunately I had TWO root canals on Thursday. That's what happens when you're afraid to go to the dentist. A simple procedure gets complex and way more painful. Today I go back to get temporary crowns. I'm still sore, so let's hope it's not as traumatizing.

Needless to say I did a whole lotta nothing this weekend. Aside from a quick trip to AAA to try to get Australia travel deals, which was a bust, I watched a lot of movies and football.

On that note, I want to live vicariously through all of you! What did you do this weekend? Link up with my co-hosts Sami of Sami's Shenanigans, Dana of five30three, and me and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend.
2. Add the badge (below) to your post.
3. Add the blog post link to the linkup below.


CK said...

ahh!! FEEL BETTER, girl! Lots and lots of froyo is in your future ;)

Jade Sierra said...

Did you or Dana add my link to the linky? :) Whoever did it, THANK YOU! :) Root canals are TERRIBLE! :( I hope you get to feeling better.

Have a fabulous week!



Andrea said...

Oh no! I hope you are feeling better soon! I had to have a root canal a few years ago and it was awful, but I do have to admit I felt better afterwards when my teeth weren't hurting anymore! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

DSR said...

Oh no, you poor thing. That is the worst but I hope you're feeling better and bounce back soon. Do you at least get to drink milkshakes 'round the clock and take time off work?!

We'll say this post is a public service announcement to remind people to go to the dentist on time. Which reminds me, I think I need to make an appointment.

Anonymous said...

That sounds awful! My husband had a tooth pulled 10 days ago and is still having issues with it. =( I am not a fan of the dentist at all..... Feel better! xoxo A-

Alexandra HRH said...

Oh I'm so sorry! How awful for you! Movies all day on the couch will be in order, I should think :)

Lauren said...

yikes!!! feel better!!

Janna Renee said...

Aww I hope you feel better!! That is no bueno...

Unknown said...

Oh no!! I'm so afraid of root canals :( Hope you're feeling better.

Amy Powell said...

oh I hope you feel better! It always sucks when you're in pain :(

CALLIE said...

O NO!!!!! I hope things are getting better. I hate the dentist too. WOOF!

Alyssa @ Sweet Shangrila said...

Oh no :( I hate going to the dentist also so I totally understand that. I hope you feel better soon!!

Sami said...

Hope you feel better lovie! I can't wait for when your weekend updates are going to be from AUSTRALIA! So awesome :) said...

i hope things get better for you! i can't imagine what that must've felt like :/
and this is my first weekend update (i'm also a serious newbie). i hope i did it right!

hope your week is better than your weekend!


Simone Howell said...

Oh no! I've been there too. Sorry girlie!
Hope you feel better soon!

Christianna said...

Hope you feel better soon! That totally sucks!

jessica said...

Root canals are the worst! All dental work really, just sucks. I hope you feel better soon!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Feel better! I am sure I am not far behind you. I avoid the dentist at all costs!!! Get some rest and take some meds!! xoxo

Josie said...

Oh, yuck -- root canals are the worst! Hope all goes well!
xo Josie

Jodi said...

Ugh feel better. The dentist is the worst. I had a cleaning on Fri and it took almost an hour. I hate the dentist! I hope you are on the mend soon. Enjoy some ice cream!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I enjoyed playing with you all weekend long (through our fun games) but I knew you must have been in pain. :( Any doctor's visit sucks! :(((((

Stephanie said...

Oh you poor thing :( Feel better soon!

Allie said...

Poor thing! Hope you feel better soon love :)

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

Feel better!! I think I should see you before you leave if that is possible...

Chris said...

You poor thing! Feel better and rest up. My brother in law is my dentist and he's great. I still hate going so I feel you.

Brianna said...

AH! So sorry you had to go through that! As a hygienist I come across A LOT of people who have that fear :( It's no fun! I hope you're feeling better!! said...

So sorry to hear about your root canals. That sounds so painful and no wonder you were taking it easy this weekend. I don't blame you!


C said...

Aww, man. That sucks! I hope you're feeling ok after the crowns!

Unknown said...

oh no! This does not sound like fun!! I'm so sorry you're feeling crumby. Dental work is no fun. Get feeling better soon, miss!!

Randomlicious Memoirs said...

Ouch. Hope you are feeling better. This post makes me nervous, I have been avoiding the dentist maybe this will give me the push I need to go

Jenn @ Party of One said...

Ouch :( poor girl! You're making me glad I sucked up the price and my anxiety and went to have a filling done today. I absolutely HATE the dentist...I have to get the laughing gas just for fillings because I'm such a baby about it!!!

Hope you're feeling much better soon!!

Lin said...

Oh no, you poor thing! I've had this stupid cavity that's been bothering me forever but I'm too chicken to have it drilled. Guess I better get on that though cause I doubt I'd make it through a root canal :/