Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dip Dye Mania

Earlier this summer I spied Demi Lovato's dip dyed hair and fell in love. It was already a trend, but popping up sporadically (thank you Clueless for that word ;) and not mainstream yet. I have always wanted to dye my hair a crazy color and finally decided to go for it. So using Demi as my muse I went to my hair stylist and asked her to recreate this look.

That was back in July. My hair wasn't identical, but it was different and vibrant and I loved it. Because the color fades within two weeks, the second time around I requested a few purple strands for a brighter look. Again, I loved it but I hated the washed out look. I feel like Demi rocks it way better than me.

This is what my hair currently looks like. Totally blah. Super faded and a greenish color.

And now this is happening...

Did you watch The Voice this week? Christina Aguilera also has teal tips, but I couldn't find a picture.

Source: via Leeann on Pinterest

Dip dye hair is all the rage. Both Xtina and Britney have recently been seen with bright locks. Personally, I still like Demi's the best (who has also rocked a pink version). It's even catching on for the everyday person, which I have mixed feeling about. On one hand it's nice that people are getting used to the trend and not looking at me like a freak. BUT, on the other hand, I liked being unique, and the first of anyone I know or saw in-person with dip dyed hair. Yes, I'm that way. I like trends but once they are too popular I want no part of them. However it's still not that popular.

Here's where my dilemma comes in. This weekend I need to dye my hair before my Australia trip. I was all set to bleach my hair back to blonde because I don't want my hair to look faded in my vacation pictures, and frankly, because what if in 20 years when I look back at my photos I think that they are cute except from that crazy hair I was sporting? But I also love all of the compliments that I get on my hair. Even faded and washed out, people respond to it positively.

So do I dye it and live in the moment, but with fear that in a few weeks I will hate the faded look? Do I just move on, knowing that I was a part of the trend's beginning and it was a good run? OR do I bleach it blonde for the trip then come back and dip dye again (to be hair dresser's horror, I'm sure)?

Thoughts are greatly appreciated because I really don't know what to do with my hair come Saturday's appointment.


Anonymous said...

I def couldn't do it with my job. I'm pretty sure they'd fire me. lol. I def think it's a fun edgy trend!

Allison said...

I love this look... very fun! Its def trendy though so I'm sure it won't be around forever... good thing you can always dye it back if you get tired of it! :) haha

Rachel said...

If I didn't have an office job, I'd probably do this, too! The furthest I've ever done was a blonde ombre on my ends. It really looks great on you!

Life Unsweetened

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

i say pick up a box of dye at CVS and go for a natural color for your trip, and then just re- dip dye when you get back if you still like it!

Unknown said...

I'm the same way about trends. Or oddly celeb crushes haha I loved Emma Stone before Easy A when every girl fell in love with her. I hearted Joseph Gordon-Levitt since 3rd Rock from the Sun but now everyone loves him (for good reason though hehe).

I'd say don't die it since you're going away for so long and you won't be able to touch it up :/ Then if you still love it when you come back then dye away!

Always Maylee said...

Actually when I watched The Voice and saw xtina's hair... I totally thought of you! :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Tiffany said...

Live in the moment! Or I will cut you.

Josie said...

Honestly, I'd say go to blonde. You can always change it again after vacation! I love this look but I know I'd look ridiculous with it -- even though hot pink is tempting!
xo Josie

Claire Kiefer said...

Tough call. I do like the bright colors, for sure, and I think they look good on you. If you still love it, I'd keep it. You may still love it in 20 years (looking back at pictures), or at least admire yourself for having been adventurous when you were young. But if you think you're just over it and gonna be annoyed seeing it all around, maybe it's time for something else. Do you have a gut instinct on it?

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Oh I hear you...I'd be torn with what to do with my hair. I would either keep it all blonde (don't dip dye this time) or make it blonde again. and who knows you might see a super fun trend in DownUnder that you might want to add while over there. ;) I tend to get the best hair ideas abroad. sometimes i even go to the hair dresser overseas. sometimes, it's cheaper. just sometimes. ;)
Not sure if that makes any sense now. LOL

Can't believe it's Wednesday already. You still have space in your suitcase?! lol ;)


Unknown said...

You are soooo fab!

Unknown said...

I have black hair, so I do extensions. They don't damage my hair, blend nicely, and don't fade as fast (depending on the color and quality, the color can last up to 3 months). I have them glued in and they are easily removed with a gel-type product.
I love the color in your hair ... yolo, right? Rock it, girl!!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Looks soooo cute on you! But I get what you're saying about looking back on pictures in 20 years. I say go with gut instinct.

Lauren said...

i mean, in 20 years i bet we are going to hate most of what were wore/how our hair looked so i say go for it.

Megan G. said...

I love crazy colors in hair, so I would say go for it again. If you want, you can change the color to purple or pink just to switch it up. I still look back at pictures with my hot pink hair and miss it like crazy. Can't wait to see what you decide to do! :)

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

leave it blue!! i totally thought of yu when I saw Christina's hair and one of my students did it today, but ti think her's is temporary...maybe you can take a temporary can of spray to maintain on your trip?

Janna Renee said...

I would TOTALLY do it if I could get away with it at work! Yours looks waaay better than B.Spears. Haha

Leesh said...

I loved my blue and teal tips when I had it back in June. Before that I had purple but didn't get to enjoy it long enough before it faded while I was in Mexico. While it was fun and I enjoyed it, I had to chop it off because my ends were dry and brittle.

If you like the colours in your hair, then do it for your trip. And when it fades, throw your hair in a sock bun to hide the ends. Otherwise maybe ask your hairstylist if they can prepare a bottle of colour to take with you. My stylist gave me a bottle filled with teal + conditioner so that I could touch it up myself.

Angela said...

wow, it is very unique.

C said...

I feel the same way about trends. I wanted to add pink a few months ago but right after I talked about it, it showed up everywhere and on some pretty gross people here in Seattle. So now I don't want to. That happened to me with accent nails too. I was seriously doing it Jan 2011 (I remember because it was my birthday), but it’s everywhere now so I’m over it. BUT I do love the color on your hair, especially when you curl the ends, and you'll be in Australia! It might not have caught on there and you’ll get some attention. ;)

P.S. I miss you! I feel like we haven’t talked in a while. Life!!! I’m so excited for your trip. I know you’ll be great on the flight and have a blast down unda!! Will you be tweeting?

KTB Reynolds said...

I think you stay classic for a major trip. Especially when you will look at the photos for years and years. You can always get it dipped again! As someone who has many photos from major events going, I love these photos buuuuuuuuut....stick with the au natural look!