Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guest Post - Tales of a Twenty Something

Hey ya'll! I'm Allie and you can find me over at Tales of a Twenty Something.

I'm fairly new to this whole blogging thing, so when Leeann asked for me to guest post while she was in Australia  I was completely honored and that's putting it lightly. Okay okay, she made my day, well my week.

Now on to the goods.

We all love a good bag right? and more importantly what's inside. A woman's bag holds her entire world in it, well at least mine does.

Let me start by saying that I really do love a good bag. I'm surprised I don't have more bags that I do as my mom is ADDICTED. I guess I got the jewelry addiction gene. But back on topic.

I use a bag for quite awhile, change and use the new one for awhile. I don't match with my outfits, because let's be takes too much time to clean it out, take everything out and put in in the new bag, right? Right.

Obviously, I need to show you my bag first.
PS - I'm a big bag girl. You will rarely find me with a small one and it has to be comfortable on my shoulders.

I got this baby at a Coach outlet around Easter of this year for less than a $ say the least, I love it.

This post gave me a reason to clean out my purse!

I have a lotion problem...honestly I really only use the first one.

I got this case the other day at Ross for $3.99!
I love a good bargain.

Oh yeah, I'm in school full time, so a planner and note pad is a must.

Really! Go try Baby Lips! I never believed it either, but now I'm a firm believer. 

You never know when you're gonna need hair ties and bobby pins, am I right?

Oh and I have a lip gloss problem too.
Love EOS!

and last but not least, my money holder....haha just kidding of course!

Hope you all enjoyed what's in my bag!


  1. I use that lip balm too! It's the best! I actually got it in a combo pack with a pink kind too and I really liked it...until I realized that it was tinted and I looked ridiculous every time I put it on. Oops. :)

  2. I too love bags especially big ones!! Great bag!!

  3. Lotion is a must have for me too! I can't stand washing my hands and then having them feel like awful dryness, it literally makes me cringe. That first one is my favorite too, it smells amazing!

  4. i really enjoyed reading this post! and i can't believe i still haven't gotten baby lips lip balm! ;)

    <3, Mimi
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  5. Fun post! Your purse looks a lot like mine. Lots of lotion, sanitizer, lip stuff, and garbage. Hahah! eos and Baby Lips are my favorites too. I recently got hooked on Lypsyl!


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