Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Guest Post: xoxo, me

Hello and happy Halloween, Join The Gossip readers! I'm Morgan, and I blog over at xoxo, me.  Before I continue with the regular scheduled programming, I'd like to send a huge thank you to Leeann for having me!! 

So, I guess I can only speak for myself, but it seems that as I get older, Halloween costumes become harder and harder to come up with. Maybe it's that I hate repeating costumes and so eventually I start running out of ideas. Or maybe it's that I just don't have the time anymore to be super creative when it comes to the costume. Whatever it is, it has definitely become more of a challenge these days. So why not just rock the Halloween colors on Halloween? You're still being festive, but you don't have to shell out the moolah for a costume, and (hopefully) you can just pop into your closet instead of your nearest costume store.

So without further adieu, I present to you my fashionably festive Halloween-inspired ensemble.


shirt / pants / flats / watch / studs / bracelet

And do you know what's double awesome? You can wear all of these items again! So if you're freaking out because you're not costume-ready, just pop into your closet, see what orange and black pieces you can throw together, and save yourself a few bucks.

Whatever you wear today, I hope you all have a very happy Halloween!

Thanks again to Leeann for having me! We're all looking forward to your return from Australia :)




  1. That sweater is ADORABLE.
    xo Josie

  2. Absolutely love this! So nice to have options out there besides slutty cop ;) This is festive and still tres chic! Great guest post, dear.

  3. those kitten flats are adorable!!

  4. OK, those flats are beyond fabulous!! Love them!!


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