Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Target Fall Wish List

Target Fall Wish List

I am on a spending freeze right now (and by that I mean I know I need to just hasn't happened fully yet) but Target is really tempting me! Look at these amazing items. They are almost irresistible. OK, I can live without the polish, candle, bookends, and boots. I may not be able to live without that blazer though. Still undecided about the pants. Then again, right now Target is offering a deal online for most items: spend $75 and get a $15 gift card.  So I'd be cheating myself to only buy the blazer.

I really have cut back a lot in preparation for my Australia trip in two weeks, save for eating out with friends, so now the internal debate is whether I buy some Target items because I have or cut back some, or save the money to indulge a little more on my trip.

Decisions, decisions!


  1. Why did you mention the $75 get $15 gift card? You knew people like me would read this...and you knew my reaction. Hm. Oh well. I love the jacket, pants, book ends, and nail polish. I love jar candles too. Is everything included in this deal or just clothes? Ha!

  2. That Essie color is BRILLIANT.
    xo Josie

  3. Okay srrsly. I don't often shop for home decor (because redecorating our home just isn't in the budget right now ;-)) but I zoomed through the section at Target the other day and pretty much was halted it my step by the CUTE FALL DECORATIONS!!! :-O Also, I found this adorable little bicycle statue that we SO DO NOT need, but it was just so CUTE!

    Fun stuff :-)

  4. Love all that stuff! Fall clothing and decor is the best!

  5. If you asked me what my biggest problem with living in the city was, I would 100% say no easy access to Target... miss it SO MUCH, though my wallet probably doesn't.... love these cute finds!

  6. Oh my, I clearly need everything! Such great picks!
    Smart n Snazzy

  7. Target is killing me right now!! I might as well direct deposit my check directly to them. They've come out with some great fall wardrobe pieces. And don't even get me started on the new home decor stuff!! Someone restrain me! ;)

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  8. love the blazer but the bookends are very cute :)

  9. if i am ever on a spending freeze i need to move far away from any targets that would help my spending freeze so much! i love those owl bookends and that candle

  10. if i am ever on a spending freeze i need to move far away from any targets that would help my spending freeze so much! i love those owl bookends and that candle

  11. Those boots are perfect!! I think I need them :)

  12. #1 SAVE MONEY. So you can buy a penguin. #2 Justin won't let me buy the lamps of that brand. Not even the woodpecker. I almost didn't move in with him because of it.

  13. Target gets me every time. I never walk out of there empty's the devil! ;) Good luck with the "freeze"!

  14. Haha I did a wish list today too (but Free People). I often find really cute clothes at Target, but lately I hate the way everything fits me. I tried on some stuff there the other day and none of it fit right. I don't own a blazer (never have) cause my boobs are so big that they won't close. Ugh. What I would give to have small C's. :)

    I was just thinking the other day about how I wish I could go shopping with you. You seem to know what fits well and where to go. I've had no luck lately!

  15. Cute! I got the boots! They're cute. Not as nice as the Frye ones that look like that (obviously) but definitely a good pick.

  16. Save it for DownUnder!!! ;) It'll be worth it. And even if you don't end up finding/buying things in Australia you'll have more when you return. ;) And Target will be still tempting. I'm so staying away from that store even though it's practically around the corner from me. :(

    So, yeah, save it...and spend it in Australia! :)

  17. i love the boots, the blazer, and the pants -- it's so hard to resist shopping, haha! ;) but i think i would just save the money and indulge on the trip instead. :)

    <3, Mimi
    LensVillage Giveaway

  18. Target is just too perfect sometimes. I love everything you picked, so fall-like. Definitely loving those boots!! :)

  19. I actually enjoy going on spending freezes, because I LOVE saving for travel! That's where all of my "extra" savings go. Target is hard to say no to, but that $75 can go a long way on your trip AND that blazer might just be on sale when you get back!

  20. The blazer is awesome and the pants? I love them so much I have them in 6 or 7 colors. Yes, I realize that sounds ridiculous, but they're so comfortable!

  21. Love the blazer and the pants....hmmmm....I would say save the $$ for your trip though. You'll be glad you did once you get to AU! So jeal!! Have fun!

  22. Oh Target how I love thee. It will be hard to resist I think. I just bought two work skirts at Target while I was waiting for the bus!

    Your Australia trip will be awesome! Also I completely forgot you also lived in LA. Eeepp. Such a shame (I didn't remember) because we could have gotten that coffee!

  23. I’m on a spending freeze too, but I have to go to Target at least once a week for house stuff, food, diapers, etc and I always end up buying things for myself. I just got their debit card which saves me 5% so really, I’m just spending the savings, right? It all balances out. Hahah! I love those owls and the boots! Now I’m going online to see what this deal is all about. Also, with the debit card you get free shipping. Oh God, I sound like I work there. Haha!

  24. LOVE the boots! and those owl bookends... too cute. I think this calls for a Target trip. xo

  25. hehe i'm on a spending freeze myself too

    Sometimes making a wish list helps, cute pieces :)


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