When I did bother to get up and out I managed to get to a few shops on Friday for sales - of course in the afternoon, not during the shopping madness. I scored a pair of jeans 60% off, winter headbands for my Chicago trip this week, and a dress for my company holiday party. Not too shabby.
I also saw Breaking Dawn Part 2. This was the first Twilight movie I saw in the theater. The others were OK but not really my thing. I was surprised that I actually liked this one. Totally recommend it.
What did you do this weekend? I hope it was more exciting than my last few days. Link up with me and my co-hosts Dana of five30three and Sami of Sami's Shenanigans and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:
1. Blog about your weekend.
2. Add the badge (below) to your post.
3. Add the blog post link to the linkup below.

Photo courtesy of: Total Film
So many great sales this weekend!
I loved how Express was 40% off the whole store!
Sounds like a great weekend - love your photos!
The Other Side of Gray
You're most certainly going to need those headbands in a few days. Can't wait for your visit!
A relaxing and lazy weekend is the best if you ask me,
and which I rarely have.
looks like you had a wonderful weekend!! and scored some great deals, I am jealous!
oh my gosh, that Christmas tree is GORGEOUS!
My mom was quickly ready to setup the Christmas tree... we didn't really have a Thanksgiving haha
I didn't partake in any of the sales . . . where did you get jeans? I am thinking I need to buy some, but I can't find any that are comfortable (i.e. not tight around my waist). 60% off is pretty amazing!
We were sooooo lazy this weekend & I loved it :)
Looks like you had a successful Thanksgiving weekend! It is like my favorite long weekend of the year. I get to be a bit lazy, cut down a Christmas tree, etc! Such a great time of year.
Don't be hating on Twilight ;) The last movie was my fave too! Can't wait to see you in a few short days! Eeeek.
Sounds like a successful weekend all around, doll -- happy Monday!
xo Josie
Those are pretty photos. :) Love that tree. :)
Glad you had a good weekend!
I did not partake in Black Friday at all...but my sisters did go to H&M again and they thought it sucked this year. Your parents are funny!! AT least you did eat turkey :)
Fun weekend! Having all these sales going on this weekend was not helpful to my budget of $50 haha. I think I borrowed money from the next 2 paydays :/
TWILIGHT? Stop it.
Take me to Chicago.
I loved Breaking Dawn Part 2, def one of the best ones :-)
I refused to shop during the madness that is black Friday. Refuse. Can't wait to meet you in just a few days. So excited!!!
cant wait to hear about chicago...some of my friends went a month ago and LOVED it
I also really liked Breaking Dawn part 2!!
Lots of naps is the way to go over Thanksgiving!! That's what was happening over here as well! :-)
I heard Breaking Dawn Part 2 was really good. Wasn't planning on seeing it but now I want to. I hear its really different from the book. I only saw twilight and new moon and then gave up. I thought new moon was terrible which was too bad because the book was really good!
I saw all the Twilight movies in the theater, but rolled my eyes through them. I really liked this one too. And it was the first one Jacob saw. He liked it. That's saying something! Sounds like a great weekend!
Hehe, it was also one I really really liked. But I'm so glad the Twilight thing is now over...next will be The Hunger Games...hahahaha
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