Thursday, December 6, 2012

This Sh*t is Bananas


I wouldn't really consider myself accident prone, but maybe I should open my eyes. I tend to get hurt while on vacation. There was that one time in Boston I twisted my ankle, ended up in the ER, and was on crutches. Then in the Dominican Republic I got stung by a bee on Steroids in the butt cheek and it was swollen and I couldn't sit on it. And just last weekend I was in Chicago and slipped on a banana peel. A BANANA PEEL. Is that even real life? Sadly, I can't make this crap up.

As my blogger friends and I walked up to the bean I stepped on a banana peel and almost fell, but caught myself. That tweaked something. At least we got a cute pictures in front of the Bean right after it happened and you can't even tell I'm in pain!

(skip paragraph if you are easily grossed out)

After a few days of weird pain, I noticed blood and liquid coming out of my belly button. Sorry for the visual! That was enough to scare me into a doctor's visit.

My diagnosis? Tore my fascia tissue above my belly button. There was concern that I had a hernia, but I think I'm in the clear.

Yay for clumsy traveling!


  1. Holy crap! That's crazy! Hope it isn't a hernia. Good luck!! By the way, I can totally see getting a twisted ankle in Boston - all those cobblestones and uneven walkways.

  2. Poor thing! That is crazy though! I tend to run in things a lot and I'm the one that falls up the stairs ha! Glad you're okay though :)

  3. Oh jeez what a strange injury! I thought people only slipped on banana peels in the movies. haha!

  4. I am laughing so hard I think I might tear my fascia tissue too. Oooh, you poor thing. Maybe next time we should come visit you in LA since you're less accident-prone at home.

    Oh, and I'm still upset that there is an eggplant image on the Emoji emoticon keyboard but not a banana. That sh*t really is B-a-n-a-n-a-s!

  5. I second Dana! Let's come to LA, but I want to go to Disney Land while we're there haha! I can't believe that happened.. I feel so bad that we dragged you around for a whole nother day while you were in pain! :( Emoji def needs a banana icon!

  6. The whole time you were like "Wow, I'm in pain. I really don't feel good." And the rest of us were, "Let's walk another 3 miles!" Poor thing!

  7. Whoa! I didn't even know a belly button could bleed! I'm glad you're ok. And now I can make fun of you for being a cartoon, slipping on banana peels. Ha!

  8. OMG, I've never heard of such a thing, but that sounds super painful! This just gave me a new fear of falling. So what does one do to treat a torn fascia tissue??

    Take care, girl!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  9. I didn't know that happens in real life. Honest. I hope you're okay!
    xo Josie

  10. Wow. Are we twins separated at birth?! I'm a huge klutz and always feel the nerd of the group that has SOMETHING happen to them. ha. But joking aside, I'm seriously glad you're ok! I've never ever heard of that belly button thing before. Sounds painful! :(

  11. Shut up. YOUR BELLY BUTTON?!? Holy shit woman.

  12. You hurt your belly button? I think you deserve a high five for that!

  13. What!? I've never heard of that before.. I'd be so freaked out if I was bleeding out of my belly button! Glad you are ok now!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  14. ouch!!! I hope it heals... and that I never slip on a banana. crazy.

  15. :( clearly, you cannot make this up. What the heck?? Feel better soon, and that fast fast fast...the holidays are around the corner.

  16. That sounds seriously painful. I'm glad it wasn't a hernia, and I hope it heals ASAP!

  17. I have no words...belly button huh? At least you didn't get sick :) sorry and hope your belly button gets better oh and at least you didn't have your belly button pierced right?

  18. really, a banana peel? I didn't think it was possible.

    I hope you are okay. It sounds painful what you are going through.

  19. Oh my goodness that is the worst travel luck! I seriously didn't even know slipping on bananas actually happened! That's nuts :)

    And I hope you're feeling better now! That sounds like it was super painful :(

    PS- LOVING these pictures of my some of my all time favorites all together :)


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