Monday, February 4, 2013

Blame it on the al-al-al-al-alcohol

This weekend was full of alcohol. So much alcohol. Started Friday when we had an impromptu happy hour at work that resulted in a trip to Taco Bell. I did not log those calories on MyFitnessPal, for the record. Saturday I had to up the antics. Kathrin and I went to two different birthday parties and although it started off with one beer and was supposed to be low-key, several followed resulting in a very interesting, but fun night. Sunday however, was not so fun.

Your turn! If you're blogging about your weekend, join me and my co-host Sami and tell us all about it. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend - please no unrelated posts! 
2. Add the badge (below) to your post and/or link back to our blogs
3. Add your link to the list below

AND say hello! If your linking up leave me a comment and I'll make sure to stop by your blog. I love meeting other bloggers!



  1. haha that song is in my head now! Sounds like a fun weekend!! :)

    Your hair looks pretty, too!

  2. my weekend was kinda the same way...of course hahaha

  3. haha great title.. at least you had fun even if you had a bad hangover ;)

  4. we always joke, the food after alcohol just should not count! ever! love your blog!

  5. Doesn't sound like a bad weekend at all :)

    Happy Monday!

  6. sounds to me a fun weekend. i mean, weekend should include some booze, right? hehe

    btw, your hair is gorgeous!

  7. Fun! I don't know if I could keep up! I hope Sunday was nice and relaxing!!

  8. I can't tell you how many times "I'll just go for one drink" turns into a loooong but fun night :)

    Looks like a fun weekend!

  9. It looks like you had a pretty fun weekend! :) I am one of your newest followers! I joined in on the link up fun!

    Linz @ Country Roots City Living

  10. Our weekends sound wayyy too similar, girl! I think I'm still recovering from mine. Your pictures are gorgeous - you always look so beautiful :) xox

  11. Mine was the same way.
    My liver still hurts.

  12. Just discovered your blog. Looks like you had a blast this weekend. I love the title. I indulged in a bit of drinking this weekend as well.


  13. Alcohol always makes the weekends more fun! ;) And yay for work happy hours! Those are my favorite!

  14. #1 You look amazing. #2 I AM STILL WAITING FOR DETAILS.

  15. I had to LOL! Birthday parties get me everytime :)

  16. That song! And there is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to a trip to Taco Bell. For the record, I also haven't logged into MyFitness Pal since the day I signed up. Whooops.

  17. This sounds like quite the weekend, doll -- glad you had fun!
    xo Josie

  18. My weekend was very similar...with a ton of food added in as well. Looks like I'll be spending lots of time at the gym this week!

  19. Everyone needs "free" Taco Bell now and again. Sounds like you had a great weekend ... well until Sunday ;-)

    World According to Shia

  20. hahah yea you did have a lot to drink this weekend!! Whatever it's so your liver can get ready for Tiff's bday weekend :)

  21. i'm your newest follower and linked up :) Glad you had a great weekend!

  22. I wanna hear about this "interesting" night!!!!! Deets, girl!

    Ugh. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to do a weekend update post again . . . but not today, given that I spent the weekend miserable with my gashed finger & freakin' food poisoning. Ugh. Not even Taco Bell sounds good right now! ha

  23. Any weekend with lots of alcohol is a great weekend! Oh and totally okay to not log Taco Bell. Love it :)

  24. i really wish if we didn't log our drinks/bad food on myfitnesspal that means they really don't exist. wouldn't that be awesome!

  25. I just want to know if there were any winky faces involved in your weekend. I mean you did consume a lot of alcohol so you never know...

  26. Alcohol is fun! Except the hangover, which is what your Sunday must have been...

  27. Sounds like a super fun weekend!! Hope you are feeling better. We have all been there on the next day, ugh.. LOL.

  28. Love it. There's no shame in being a puma. I have a few friends that married guys 5/6 years younger. Do your thing girl!



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