Monday, February 11, 2013

Good for the Soul

Another great weekend in the books! Friday I went to a Kris Allen show (concert review tomorrow), Saturday went to a baptism from my sorority sister's daughter, and spend time with my parents for my dad's birthday. Nothing too wild, but just casual and good for the soul.

If you haven't yet, be sure to enter my Valentine's Day giveaway!

What did you do this weekend? Link up with me and my co-host Sami and tell us all about it! We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. Blog about your weekend - please no unrelated posts! 
2. Add the badge (below) to your post and/or link back to our blogs
3. Add your link to the list below

AND say hello! If your linking up leave me a comment and I'll make sure to stop by your blog. I love meeting other bloggers!



  1. Sounds like a great weekend! I haven't been to a concert in SOOOO long... I need to go :(

    Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  2. Looks like an awesome weekend to me!! Judging on your picture, it looks like you were super close at the Kris Allen concert! Can't wait to hear your review tomorrow :)

  3. haha we started our post with basically the same sentence today! Great minds! Your hair looks fab, too! :)

  4. haha we started our post with basically the same sentence today! Great minds! Your hair looks fab, too! :)

  5. Looks like you had a great weekend! Kris Allen is such a cutie!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  6. Thanks for hosting the linkup. This is my first time joining in on the fun. Looks like you had a great weekend, and your pup is adorable!!

  7. I love your leopard scarf I have one that I dont wear enough....maybe today. Linking up to share my weekend!

  8. Looks like a nice and relaxing weekend!
    And, those curls are GORG.
    Happy Monday to you!!

  9. Sounds like a fun weekend! Love the rainbow pic!

  10. Cuteeeee doggy!!! :)

  11. your curls are so fabulous, girl! wish i have the time and energy to do my hair like that. looks like you had a pretty amazing weekend, i mean you get to watch kris allen!

  12. I'm super behind in music, so I don't exactly know who Kris Allen is. GASP! I know. He looks like a lot of fun. I'll have to look him up. Thanks for hosting such a great link-up.

  13. Thanks for the link up for the weekend update! This was my first link party :)

  14. aw happy belated bday to your dad!! yep it was a good weekend for you hahah

  15. This sounds like such a fun weekend -- happy birthday to your dad!
    xo Josie

  16. My first time blog hopping with you guys :-)

    Sounds like a fab weekend!! love that rainbow shot! Thanks for hosting!


  17. Pretty rainbow! If it's going to rain, there should always be a rainbow. Thank you for hosting!

  18. Am new to your blog and I love it! I linked up today! Look forward to following your blog!

  19. sounds nice...i went to bed super early each night which was pretty nice :)

  20. That palm pic is so amazing. And speaking of amazing, your curls look fantastic! Glad you got to see your lover Kris Allen. :)

  21. That's a beautiful rainbow! It's been raining nonstop around here too. Hope your dad had a great birthday! And your dog is precious :)

  22. First time joining a link up of any kind and I'm so happy that I got to be a part of this one because you and Sami was two of my favorite blogging ladies!


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)