Big announcement: this week was the last installment of Weekend Update. It was a great run and a huge part of this blog for several months. I've met so many wonderful bloggers as a result! I never thought when I came up with the idea, my little linkup would grow to be as big as it did. I decided to open it up to be co-hosted and unfortunately due to creative differences we've decided to part ways. The linkup was designed to make new friends and that is still my goal. So, I'm continuing on my own way with Monday Morning Gossip.
Monday mornings are rough. So like the water cooler chats you have at the start of the work week, this will be a place to gossip. If you want to link up you can blog about what you did over the weekend, what you're looking forward to this week - life lately!
A button is in the works and will be ready Monday. Be sure to stop by and link up!
In other news, Lent is upon us. Exactly what my soul needs now - a 40-day cleanse ha. This year I am giving up bread (thanks for the idea Mree!) and committing to working out three times a week. Wish me luck! To celebrate Fat Tuesday I tried a new local crawfish joint. Although it looks nasty it was delish.
Annd with Valentine's Day upon us, you deserve a little something. Enter my current giveaway for a chance to win a pretty stack bracelet! A winner will be announced tomorrow.
Lastly, I hit 1,000 followers! Such a big deal to me because I truly love blogging and meeting new people. I believe the blogosphere should be a positive place and each of the 1,000 follower matter to me! Thank you for the follow (if you are), if you aren't, get on it! ;)
Linking up with Shanna

where is that restaurant with that delicious looking crawfish?? must visit that restaurant soon!
Congrats on your new linkup and 1000 followers! That's awesome! I hit 100 followers today so we both celebrate!
that crawfish looks so delicious! I'm excited for the new link up, i'm sure it will still be a hit.
happy advance valentines day! :)
yummy crawfish... i want some!! And let's celebrate cuz i hit 100 too!! excited for a new link up for those pesky monday mornings!!
I'm giving up bread too. Technically I'm going gluten free. :( Trying at least. Will see if I feel better then.
Monday Morning Gossip sounds already fabulous. :)
Happy early Wednesday.
yumm you made us very hungry!! i can tell you enjoy blogging because your words really express it . Keep up the passion =)
love from the NANA girls xoxo
I love that quote at the top! And congrats on your thousand followers! :)
Oh my goodness...crawfish is amazing! Also, I make 1001 :) Congrats and happy Wednesday!
You are a stronger woman than me! I could never give up carbs... I will try and give up sweets though!
Pearls & Paws
Bread?!?! But whyyy would you do that to yourself??? :) I couldn't go a day without it! Following along from the link up!
noel @ high heeled mama
we tried to go out for crawfish last night, but didn't quite make it. I did have a hurricane, though, so that should count.
good luck with lent! I just finished the Whole 30 - so 30 days w/o lots of things including grains - so I know it's possible!! But definitely hard :)
Giving up bread?! That is impressive! I love bread!
Congrats on reaching 1000 followers. Great accomplishment. Blogging is a lot of fun and I've met some fantastic people. Thanks for your monday link ups.
where is that crawfish place!! amazing!!
I've been doing my The Weekend That Was post pretty much since I started my blog. I'm happy to link up to your new Monday Morning Gossip party! Best of luck with it!
Kudos on 1000 followers! You rock!
I'm not giving anything up, but I am committed to 40 minutes of activity a day for 40 days of Lent (46 days, actually).
I'm so proud of you!!! Giving up bread is so hard!! But you can do it. I'm giving up shopping and NO ONE thinks I can do it. I'm determined to proof them wrong!! Hair products excluded!!
I love monday morning gossip! What a great idea.
Excited for your new venture. :) And a little sad that I did nothing to celebrate Mardi Gras! It wasn't in the cards this year but one of these years I'm gonna throw a party complete with beads, king cake, & zydeco . . . it's gonna happen!
Congrats on the 1,000 followers and new linkup adventure! I'm giving up coffee. So like bread it's going to be tough, but we can do it :)
I'm so excited about your new Monday feature! And it's totally time for Lent -- I need to kick the rest of this holiday weight stat. I'm giving up chocolate, peanut butter (I KNOW), and ordering food in. It's going to be a rough 40 days, haha.
xo Josie
Congratulations on 1000 followers! Can't wait for the new link up :)
Congratulations on 1k! You are awesome and I'm so glad so many bloggers have found you!! I am also really excited about your venture with the link up! I will be there Monday morning :)
I'll definitely be linking up with you each Monday! I enjoy your blog!
Congrats on 1000 followers! That means you've made it officially! :) And good luck with no bread...lawdy that would be hard!
#1,003 here! thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. so nice to meet you and i look forward to reading up on all the gossip!
Yay for the big 1,000!!! So happy for you! And I LOOOOOOOVE me some crawfish....hoping to get some this weekend. Looking forward to the new link up! And thank YOU for linking up with me!!
Congrats on the 1000 mark! That's so impressive! The link up sounds fantastic and I can't wait to participate. See you on Monday Morning! :)
woohoo! congrats on 1000!
I've never had crawfish but I've heard so much about them! I'll have to try them some day!
Congrats on 1,000! 1,000ppl are very smart for following YOU! Excited for you & your new linkup- I'm sure it's going to be great! You're awesome, lady!
i'm looking forward to new link up since most weekends i dont do anything anyway :D
Congratulations on 1000! I am so thankful for the fact blogging brought us together!
Yay for 1000 and I can't wait for the new link up!
1,000 followers is sooo awesome! Congrats! Good luck with giving up bread. That's a tough one!
I'll probably link up next time!!!
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