Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Little Dirt Before a Clean Slate

Today is my FIRST day at my new job! I'm super nervous but also really excited. I'll be doing what I want and love, and as an added bonus I'll be in the fashion industry. Because of this huge change, I'll probably be a bit MIA with commenting this week but I will eventually get back to you. Sorry in advance!

And speaking of MIA, this past week I wasn't working so I spent very little time on the computer. Instead, I went to Northern Arizona with my family. We spent a few days playing in the desert and mountains surrounded by family. Here are some of the scenes from my last several days:


Your turn to gossip! Here's how it works:

1. Blog about your gossip - be it the weekend, big news, or anything else
2. Include the badge (below) in your post and/or link back to Join the Gossip
3. Add your link to the list below


I'm also linking up for Yolo Monday and showing a little Monday blog hop love to other hosts :)


  1. Good Luck on Your First Day of Work! I'm sure you're gonna kill it :)

  2. Good luck at your new job!!

  3. Love all the pics especially the flowering cactus.

    Have an awesome first day!

  4. Good luck this week!

    I miss AZ so much. Your photos are beautiful!!!!

  5. hehe love the title!

    Good luck at your new job - exciting stuff :)

  6. Good luck on your first day, it's always nerve wracking, but I'm sure you'll be fine!

  7. I'm soooo happy to be a part of your linkup....& more power on your 1st day!!!


  8. I've always wanted to go to Arizona! Glad you had fun before your new gig starts :)

  9. Great pictures, that looks like a blast!!

    Good luck this week at the new job!

  10. hope that you have a great first day, Leann! And I was out in AZ this last week as well ... and got to see the desert in bloom too! Aren't those purple/pink flowers incredible?!

  11. Thinking about you today!!! I am so excited for you!! Please keep us posted on how your first day went!! And your pics from the weekend are got some great shots!!!

    Knock 'em dead!! xoxo

  12. It looks like you had an awesome time before easing into your new job - I'm so proud of you and am thinking of you today! <3 I know you'll be amazing and will get the hang of things in no time at all :) xox

  13. I loved all the pictures you shared last week. The desert has never interested me (I hate heat), but there were some pretty sights! Besides all the dirt. Hahah!

    Good luck and have fun today! You are going to be awesome!!

  14. Good luck with the new job! How exciting!!

  15. hope things at the new job go well! you got some amazing pics in arizona!

  16. Congrats and good luck on the new job! I can't wait to hear all about it :)

  17. I was right!! it's like a dune buggy/ golf cart!!!

  18. Great pics! Have fun at your new job, I'm sure you'll have lots to share now that you will be in the industry, can't wait :)


  19. I would love for you to come link up to my Tuesday Blog Hop!!

    xo Tori

  20. hope your first day went well! you are so lucky to be doing something that you love so much, best wishes :)

  21. Incredible pictures! It's so nice to take a vacation before a new start. Congratulations on your new job.

  22. I hope your first couple days at your new job have gone well!! I'm sure you are exhausted (in a good way)! So glad you are doing what you love!

  23. AZ looks brilliant and thumbs up for family time! Hope the new job is going well!

  24. Good luck today -- I know you'll be fantastic!
    xo Josie

  25. i havent gone to the desert yet. Well, I guess LA is technically a desert, but you get the point! hahah

  26. I've never been to Arizona! Glad you took some time for yourself.


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