Two years ago my brother rescued a litter of puppies and we helped find homes for all of them. Although I wasn't necessarily ready for a dog, I decided to adopt one. Little did I know this little thing would be such a monster!
I blogged about it a few years back, but here's a recap again. When Coco was about three months old she ate my bra. Like ate it, ate it. I had no idea until several days later when she stopped eating or drinking. After taking her to the vet we found out that she had a bad blockage and her stomach had actually ripped open and she was essentially leaking. We had to make a big choice: surgery or putting her to sleep. I was too in love so I decided to go with the surgery that cost thousands of dollars and only provided her with a 50/50 chance to live.
In the end she had a foot of intestines removed, and the vet had to cut into five pieces of it to get clogs out. Things were iffy for awhile but she made it! She still has issues AND EATS EVERYTHING but overall she's great. I mean, look at that face!
Now she's 2 1/2 and 60+ lbs (she thinks she's still 15 ad a lap dog) of orneriness and I love the crazy thing!

Dude, a bra?! Crazy dog!! lol You're a good mama for getting her surgery and taking such good care of her ;) She's ADORABLE!
Awwww baby!! I would totally opt for surgery too, I would do anything for Hawkeye.
Beautiful post. Glad your dog is ok and yes they are very much like children, except children grow up and dogs don't. But you sure love them, don' you.
She's the cutest even though she ate a whole bra.
My boys are my kids!
what a cutie - we go to the end of the earth for our pups - dealt with cancer and allergies and all kinds of stuff - they ARE our kids!
Wow how scary!! Glad she is okay and you got to keep her around!
She is precious!!! When our fur baby got neutered, they said I could pay another $150 for a heart test to make sure our little baby was ok for the surgery (basically just a check) and I debated and decided to just pay for the heart check because if something happened, I never would have forgiven myself (and everything ended up just fine :) ). The things we do for our babies!!
I had the same thing happen with my pit a couple of years ago. She had eaten some stuffing out of a toy (they don't get those anymore - boo!) and it had formed a cork in her belly. She had the surgery and bounced back fast. But it was scary because she was so sick the morning we took her to the vet. And yes, pets are babies too!
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
Awww she is beautiful and looks very healthy now ;) I can't believe that a bra was tasty, though. Haha
Aw.. what a doll! Such a cute pup!
She is adorable!!! I have a dog named Coco too but much smaller. Dogs eat the weirdest things but I'm glad she ended up ok after it!
Oh my goodness, what an awful thing to go through! I would hate to have to make such a choice! I'm glad Coco is OK! She's such a cutie!
Thanks for linking up!
She is GORGEOUS!! I'm a sucker for brindle dogs and she is so beautiful!
jmeoww would never eat a bra. NEVER.
Omg, I want to give her a giant hug! Too cute.
She is so cute. I can't believe she ate a bra (and I would have been mad b/c those are expensive)!!! I'm glad she was ok but sorry you had to spend all that money at the vet. I really want a dog but can't afford one right now. I hope to in the next few years.
One of my friends dogs ate all the easter grass and candy out of a basket! The grass got all tangled in her insides and it was a mess. Dogs are crazy and will eat anything!!
I love the markings on his face!
Such a crazy story. Since I have a really soft spot for all dogs Im glad you went through with the surgery. I do understand the stress financially that came with it. But i'm glad that he is okay!
sweet baby! sammy is also guilty of eating everything! crazy pups!
She is beautiful! That must have been scary having her go through all that, but she made it! love that she still thinks she is a lap dog :) Thanks so much for linking up!
You were making me tear up reading this. (I cry at everything puppy related though lol) I am so happy she is ok! She adorable and I LOVE her coloring!
Oh my gosh!! What a cutie! Pippa loooves to get into stuff she's not supposed to also. Why do they do that to us?
Awww I love the pup! Too cute. Just stopping by to say your blog is adorable!! :) Hope you have a great night!!
That is quite a story! My dogs have eaten some interesting things, too, but we've never had that much drama. One time, though, when the pups were teething, they got into a little "play fight," and, apparently, one of them lost a tooth, and it got lodged in the other pup's head under the skin (we had no idea, though). Months later, he had this crazy growth that we didn't have a clue about. He had to have the "mass" surgically removed, and the vet guessed it was that missing tooth. Crazy what we do for our dogs!!
Oh my gosh I'm in love with your pup!!! She's so precious!!
What an absolute cutie! I hope she stopped eating your clothing after that nightmare....yikes!
So cute!!!
OMG you are so sweet! i would pay anything to save my dog too! your baby is adorable and even if they are difficult sometimes we love them nonetheless, right? ;D
Holy cow, she was the cutest puppy ever. So adorable!
She's always so cute, but those puppy pictures are killing me! I can't believe she still eats everything. Didn't she learn anything from the bra??? Haha! Poor thing!
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