Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm Jealous of My Dog

Today is the very first installment of The Meowpocalypse, hosted by none other than my LP, Tiffany of Polka Dotted Cats. What is The Meowpocalypse you ask? Besides being a word that I cannot spell or pronounce, it's also a blog hop dedicated to pet stories.

As of late my dog Coco has been really good, no disaster stories to report this time. She's come a long way from eating bras and walls to being able to hang out alone in my apartment all day while I'm at work.

But there's another issue I'm having with her. She's a scene stealer.

You know that friend who all the guys flock to because she looks exotic? That's my dog. Not only is she brindle, she's also got a unique shape (she's half pit half basset hound) so people stop to tell me how they've never seen a dog quite like her. And how beautiful she is. And how pretty and shiny her hair is. And how she looks like she's always smiling. I GET IT, PEOPLE. SHE'S A-FREAKING-DORABLE! But what about me? You can say hi to me. You don't have to ignore me and talk to my dog only. I have feelings too, stranger on the street.

Best part? Coco is a diva when it comes to pictures. It's so hard to get her to look at the camera. Today, the streets of Hollywood, tomorrow the runways of Paris. I have to remind her that she's just plain ol' Coco, not Coco Chanel.


  1. hahaah but she's so cute!! I'd rather say hi to a dog/cat than to a human hahaha :) you should also mention she's a "college" grad :)

  2. Ahahaha! Hilarious. I would feel the exact same way! But half basset hound?! Amazing. That's my dream dog. I think.

  3. She really is a unique and beautiful dog.

    Oh, hi Leeann...I didn't see you there behind your dog.

  4. my dog is the same way with pictures!! Literally whenever a camera is pointed at her she refuses to look...too funny!

  5. Too funny!! Coco is a DIVA!! All of that fame is going to her head! :-) She might need her own blog! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  6. Hahaha! Coco Chanel Morrissey, for life.

    Thank you for all of your help and support! You are the best LP :)

  7. Coco is precious! I love brindle colored animals! My mom just got a puppy -- half pug, half Boston -- and he's brindle colored. He looks like a miniature pitbull!

  8. Awwwww I want to meet her! The dog that was almost my roommate . . .

  9. She is awfully cute though!! I know how you feel, Hawkeye is a crowd pleaser, and I'm invisible.

  10. Seriously a diva. "I'm sorry dahling, I prefer you to photograph my profile." She is cute but then again so are you.

  11. Hahahaha! Love this! She looks like she has so much personality :)

  12. She sounds like my best friend's standard poodle, who is actually named Diva.

    And I can't begin to tell you how many times I've had someone over, only to spend the evening as a third wheel to the best-friend bond my dog instantly makes with anyone who isn't me.

  13. I love that last picture of her! I hope you start getting some recognition! You're cute too!

  14. I really only come to your apartment to see Coco...

    (just kidding-I'm there for the Chipotle ;)


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