Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Budweiser Project 12

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Millennial Central for Budweiser. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Today we get to talk about one of my favorite things ever – beer! More specifically Budweiser Project 12. Have you seen it in your local store? Launched last month, it’s sold as a 12-pack of three flavors named after the cities where they were each brewed. Here’s how Budweiser explains each flavor:

North Pacific Style Lager | Batch 94534 (Fairfield, Calif.): Brewed with a unique blend of North Pacific hop varieties, including Cascade and Palisade, this bold, hoppy lager is 5.5 percent alcohol by volume (ABV) and offers a distinct taste of the American Northwest.
Vanilla Bourbon Cask | Batch 23185 (Williamsburg, Va.): Aged on a bed of bourbon barrel staves and vanilla beans, this light amber lager indulges the sweet side and features a 5.5 percent ABV.
Beachwood Bock | Batch 43229 (Columbus, Ohio): Brewed with chocolate and caramel malts for a rich auburn appearance and finished on Beechwood chips for a crisp, clean taste, this deep amber lager is 6 percent ABV.

With descriptions like that I was more than eager to try each beer. So this weekend I brought them along to Vegas.  I was in town to see Justin Timberlake and figured, what better way concert pre-party than Project 12 tasting?

I was in town with my friend, Kate of Nautical By Nature - who a lot of you know, so we hung out in our room and tried the beers. I predicted I’d enjoy the Bock the best because I like dark, malty beers and I was right. It was my favorite. That being said, I really did enjoy all three! The descriptions Budweiser gives are spot on. I don't think I could explain them any better. The only thing I may add is that, for me, the Lager had the strongest flavor, the Cask was the smoothest, and the Bock was deep and full.

Did you notice the alcohol percentage for all three? They are high. Just with that Bock alone I was buzzed!

Another bonus about Project 12 is the variety. Having all three flavors makes these limited edition brews perfect for a get together because there’s a little something for everyone. If you are a beer enthusiast you really should pick up a 12-pack. You won’t be disappointed!


  1. Being from European I am pretty quality conscious when selecting a beer and Bud is certainly my fave choice everytime I am in So Cal:) Sabina Styleblog Only in Frankfurt

  2. I loved the Beechwood Bock and Matt was all about the North Pacific Style Lager. So jealous you guys went to JT!!!In Vegas no less.

  3. I haven't seen these!! I have to find them, I need to try the vanilla bourbon for sure!

  4. Interesting -- I don't care for Bud just like I don't like Coors,but these might change my opinion. Are all retailers carrying them?

    Jealous you saw JT.

  5. What a great way to sample some new beer! I'll have to check them out.

  6. This is awesome. I might have to pick it up for my brother for Christmas and then snag a Vanilla Bourbon Cask!


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