Wednesday, March 26, 2014

SoCal Blogger Society Spring Fling Brunch

On Sunday, SoCal Blogger Society hosted a Spring Fling Brunch for it's members and it was so much fun! I've been to several blogger events and this was by far the best I've experienced. Everyone was so friendly, the food was great, and the drinks were flowing. Hosted at the amazing Areal restaurant in Santa Monica, the setting was perfect for meeting new ladies and socializing with some I already know.

Me, Kate, Lauren (I kinda love myself in this picture and may cut you ladies out ;)

Group shot with our swag bag sunglasses

Whiskey infused with bacon and maple syrup. I hate bourbon but this was GOOD!

Me and Kate

Some delish Areal samplers

Another group shot of our table

Bacon wrapped dates with goat cheese...amazing

If you live in Southern California, I highly recommend you join SoCal Blogger Society and come to the next event. And I also can't speak highly enough of Areal. The setting was charming, the staff was delightful, and the food and drinks were perfection!

Linking up for Treat Yo Self Thursday and Lovely Thursdays


  1. This looks like it was a lot of fun! And I don't eat meat, but that bacon bourbon does sound like it was tasty! :)

    -- Erika from America

  2. a great day for sure! so good to catch up with you!

  3. Looks like a really great event, and bacon infused bourbon, yum! Love that first picture of you.

  4. That food looks amazing! I keep meaning to join a Chicago blogging group and then putting it off, but I'd love to get together with a bunch of bloggers like this. :)

  5. That whiskey drank is everything! I'm going to look up how to make this cocktail right now. Mmmm bacon, I love everything bacon haha.

    I'm "on paper" as being a part of a DC bloggers group but every time they have an event, I'm never available :( Must make it out to an event so I can meet other local bloggers and have some fun like this...

  6. Looks like a great event! Love that Kohl's top :)

  7. Yum! I'm starving now. My sister makes bacon wrapped dates, but not with goat cheese! You all look so pretty. I love your top!

  8. I can't wait to go back there for another brunch. I'm just sad the cinnamon rolls aren't on the regular menu!

    I am so glad you told me about the group and brunch!

  9. Aw, looks like you all had an amazing time! So sad I missed out on this one :(

  10. Whiskey and bacon?! I have seen and heard it all! lol

    thank you so much for linking up to Lovely Thursdays!


  11. This looks like so much fun! I'm sorry, whiskey infused bacon and maple syrup? I need to tell my husband about this..... I like whiskey, I like bacon, but this has got to be the craziest thing ever!!!

    Glad you had fun :)

    & thanks for linking up on Lovely Thursdays!


Thanks for visiting and commenting! I love making new blogging buddies :)